Order of the Red Banner
Showing 1–100 of 278 results
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Group of a Gold Star Hero of the Soviet Union #1586, Order of Lenin #16008 and more
Rare 'transitional' variation. Awarded to Major Boris Tarasovich Pischikevich Awarded for defending the bridgehead, fending off 5 enemy counterattacks, clearing the enemy trenches and replacing the wounded commissar
€16,800.00 -
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Documented Group of a Gold Star Hero of the Soviet Union #5500 Order of Lenin, Red Banner
Awarded to tank commander Tsirubin for being the first to cross the Narev River and having huge successes
€11,000.00 -
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Documented Group of a Gold Star Hero of the Soviet Union #6043, Order of Lenin #41632 and extra’s
Awarded to Colonel Alexander Danilovich Kharitonov for fighting against and defeating several SS elite units in Poland
€11,000.00 -
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Group to a Hero of the Soviet Union #6580 with document, medals and badges
Awarded to Fighter Pilot and Major Mishustin for participating in 68 air battles in which he personally achieved 16(!) air victories and contributed to 8 group victories. When he ran out of ammunition he even rammed a Me-109 with his plane. Next to his air victories he destroyed a huge number of enemy troops, vehicles and ammunition
€11,200.00 -
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Documented Group of an Order of Kutuzov 2nd class #915, Order of Lenin #44593, Red Banners, Medal for Bravery #45(!) and much more
Awarded to Hero of the Soviet Union Colonel Aleksej Ignatievich Negoda. Commander of the 171st rifle “Idritsa” division for raising the Victory Banner over the Reichstag
€13,000.00 -
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Documented Group of an Order of Lenin #58493, Order of the Red Banner #178531 and Victory over Germany
Awarded to Georgy Mikhailovich Abrosimov in outstanding condition
€1,800.00 -
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Documented Group of Soviet Awards: Order of Lenin #140661, Orders of the Red Banner #258565 & #456076, Orders of the Red Star #963080 & #1635332 and Medal for Bravery #3550
Awarded to Colonel Demyan Ignatievich Gronsky (Демьяч Игнатьевич Гронский) who served in the Polish Army. He received his very low numbered Bravery Medal for action at Khalkhin Gol and his Red Star for effectively organizing and managed the training of communication specialists
€3,700.00 -
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Documented Group of Soviet Awards: Order of Lenin #320372, Order of the Red Banner #352945, Orders of the Red Star #1152081 & #1970983 and Medal for Combat Merit #1416631
Awarded to Colonel Pavel Kondratievich Gavrilov (Павел Кондратьевич Гаврилов)
€2,950.00 -
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Documented Group of an Order of Suvorov 3rd class #8863, three Red Banners, Red Star and Medals
Awarded to Colonel Mihail Nikolaevich Zhirnov for personally commanding his regiment on the battlefield. As a result of his bravery and skillful military command the enemy lost hundreds of troops and dozens of vehicles and tanks
€8,900.00 -
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Documented Group of the Order of Alexander Nevsky #9246, Red Banner #91354, Patriotic War 1st class #154896, Red Star #81311 and a Medal for Combat Merit
Awarded to Guards Lieutenant/Captain Kukoev for heroism and crucial successes on several battles (among which the Tatsinkaya Raid near Stalingrad) during the entirety of the war. Kukoev was severely wounded twice and personally eliminated at least 12 enemy soldiers
€4,000.00 -
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Soviet Order of the Red Banner #3453 ‘Mirror Reverse’
Awarded to Jr. Politruk Mikhail Mikhailovich Kovalev (Михаил Михайлович Ковалев) for actions during the Battle of Khalkhin-Gol
€1,600.00 -
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Documented Group of Soviet Awards. Order of the Red Banner #4013 (mirror reverse), Red Star #1789858, Patriotic War 1st class #861045 + more
Awarded to Guards Sgt. Leifura for bravely driving his armored vehicle in combat during the Battle of Kalkhin-Gol. On July 2nd, he was wounded. The vehicle was hit but he was able to repair it under enemy fire and get the vehicle back into action. Later, in Dresden, he personally annihilated up to 20 enemy soldiers and officers and restored 7 disabled tanks and 2 wheeled vehicles on the battlefield
€1,900.00 -
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Documented Group of Soviet Awards. Order of the Red Banner Mirror Reverse #4312, Red Star, Patriotic War 2nd class and Medal for Combat Merit + more
Awarded to Pilot and Sr. Lt. Stepan Semyonovich Evtushenko for fighting the White Finns in the Winter War in 1940 where he made 27 combat sorties
€2,100.00 -
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Soviet Order of the Red Banner #4409 ‘Mirror Reverse’
Awarded to Major Mikhail Gavrilovich Khoroshikh for completing 22 combat missions, totaling over 58 hours, targeting key enemy industrial centers and troop concentrations, resulting in significant destruction. As the result of his combat missions, the industrial centre Mikkeli [Finland] was 50% destroyed, despite intensive enemy AA fire and fighter plane attacks
€1,640.00 -
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Soviet Order of the Red Banner #6545 ‘Mirror Reverse’
Awarded to paratrooper Victor Ivanovich Chetovsky for eliminating 4 Japanese riflemen by bayonet and grenade and capturing enemy materiel at the Battle of Khalkhin-Gol
€1,600.00 -
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Soviet Order of the Red Banner #8607 ‘Mirror Reverse’
Beautiful piece awarded to Jr. Commander Iosif Alekseevich Vanichek for exemplary performance of combat missions of the Command on the front in the fight against the Finnish White Guards and the valor and courage displayed in doing so
€2,350.00 -
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Soviet Order of the Red Banner ‘Mirror Reverse’
Beautiful piece in far above average condition but with its serial number erased
€550.00 -
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Documented Group of Soviet Awards. Order of Nevsky #19930, Red Banner #260477 and #2604778, Patriotic War 2nd class #217507, Red Star #102430 and #3369427 + more
Awarded to Lt. (later Major) Boris Appolinarievich Kulish for huge successes fighting the enemy at Kerch Peninsula, street fighting in Berlin and during the beginning of the war in Russia
€3,300.00 -
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Soviet Order of the Red Banner Reissue #10534
Awarded to Lt. Colonel Ivan Alekseevich Kirenyshev for feats during the Winter War against Finnland
€500.00 -
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Soviet Order of the Red Banner #12390
Mirror Reverse variation. Awarded to captain Stefan Aberyanovich Gretsko for feats during the Soviet-Finnish War
€1,500.00 -
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Documented Group of Soviet Awards. Order of the Red Banner #13115 (mirror reverse) and Medal for Combat Merit #62927
Awarded to Nikolaj Mikhailovich Mikhailov for fighting against the White Finns in 1939 where he was wounded near lake Suvantoyarvi. After being hospitalized he became director of a war production plant
€1,400.00 -
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Soviet Order of the Red Banner #13447 ‘Mirror Reverse’
Awarded to T-26 tank Lieutenant Anatoly Akimovich Legkodukh (Анатолий Акимович Легкодух) for fighting during the Winter War in Finland 1939-1940
€1,780.00 -
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Soviet Order of the Red Banner #16410 ‘Mirror Reverse’
Awarded to private Ivan Danilovich Filkin for eliminating over 35 enemy troops and taking 2 prisoners. Filkin was recommended for the title “Hero of Soviet Union”
€1,300.00 -
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Soviet Order of the Red Banner #16755 ‘Mirror Reverse’
Awarded to private Yuriy Dronievich Likhoshva for being the first to rush the enemy coast in a mission to take control of 5 enemy islands and disarming landmines and high explosive devices while being under intensive enemy fire
€1,600.00 -
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Soviet Order of the Red Banner #18084
Amazing and rare piece awarded to Commissar Polyakov for courage and bravery in the combat engagements at the village Valya where he commanded a reconnaissance platoon and personally eliminated 6 Fascists by the fire of his sub-machine gun in December 1941. Polyakov was wounded shortly before declared MIA
€2,150.00 -
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Soviet Order of the Red Banner #18822
Awarded to Lt. Colonel Petr Egorovich Demidov for several successful combat missions with his Tupolev SB in late 1941 / early 1942. Rare piece!
€1,650.00 -
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Soviet Order of the Red Banner #19036
Awarded to Air Gunner Sergeant Aleksej Vasilievich Fenin for shooting down a Me-109 in an air engagement, eliminating up to 15 German invaders, destroying 2 railway platforms and 2 enemy vehicles by his machine gun and spreading 64000 propaganda fliers deep in the enemy's rear areas
€1,200.00 -
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Soviet Order of the Red Banner #20464 ‘MONDVOR’
Rare variation awarded to Jr. Lieutenant Fedor Trofimovich Krivopisha for exemplary execution of the combat mission on the front of struggle against the Finish Whites. Krivopisha was declared MIA and had been in a German POW camp for several years
€2,300.00 -
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Soviet Order of the Red Banner #21902
Awarded to Sr. Lieutenant and Pilot Boris Emelyanovich Golubev for completing 27 successful missions with the 1st Aviation Squadron of the Black Sea Navy on an IL-2 ground assault aircraft between October 30 and November 27, 1941. He played a vital role in disrupting enemy operations, destroying artillery positions, armored vehicles, and transport columns, and inflicting heavy losses on enemy troops, often wiping out entire platoons or battalions
€460.00 -
Soviet Order of the Red Banner #22642
Awarded to gunner-bombardier Sgt. Tarasov for conducting 43 missions since his latest award. Of these missions: 12 reconnaissance missions, 21 ground strafing and bomb strike missions, 3 strikes against enemy airfields. He shot down 1 Me-109f and also hit another. The fighting took place in June 1942, when the German just started rolling towards Stalingrad. He continued participating in the Stalingrad battle all the way until the end of 1942
€1,650.00 -
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Soviet Order of the Red Banner #25056
Awarded to Major Vasilii losifovich Melnikov whose personal participation in combat achieved the destruction of the enemy 15 Motorized Regiment
€1,350.00 -
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Soviet Order of the Red Banner #25575
Awarded to fighter pilot Lt. Colonel Victor Lavrentievich Kozlov who was severely wounded during a combat mission on December the 17th 1941
€1,200.00 -
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Soviet Order of the Red Banner #26518
Awarded to Partisan Commander Yuri Pavlovich Shurygin. Shurygin formed the partisan detachment “For the Motherland” and became its commander in 1941 and later headed the 5th partisan brigade. Thanks to the skillful leadership hundreds of fascists were destroyed, 64 carts with food, ammunition and other cargo were captured and several vehicles with manpower and enemy ammunition were blown up
€2,300.00 -
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Soviet Order of the Red Banner #26534
Awarded to NKVD Border Guard and Partisan Ermilov for ambushing and defeating a German unit of about 150, killing 85 soldiers in August 1941 in Belarus as part of a partisan detachment. ERMILOV killed 13 soldiers himself. On 5 November 1941, Ermilov led a platoon attack on Dedno and infiltrated the SS "Totenkopf" division's rear, burning 12 houses, killing 120 German soldiers, and seizing documents. ERMILOV personally killed 20 soldiers
€2,300.00 -
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Soviet Order of the Red Banner #28260
Early wartime screwback variation. Awarded to Guards Colonel Fedor Yakovlevich Shved
€1,000.00 -
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Soviet Order of the Red Banner #28268
Awarded to Lieutenant Petr Fedorovich Pinzul for destroying several bridges, tanks, railways and allowing a safe retreat at the Battle of Moscow
€1,400.00 -
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Soviet Order of the Red Banner #28975 & #60507
Awarded to Pilot lieutenant Tavolzhanov. Beautiful group in excellent condition
€2,700.00 -
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Soviet Order of the Red Banner #28984 Reissue
Awarded to Polish Sr. Lt. Marcelin for holding the line of defence for many days on end against a superior enemy force and eliminating hundreds of fascists in the proces. Lt. Marcelin sustained a head injury two months earlier in September 1941
€550.00 -
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Soviet Order of the Red Banner #29487
Awarded to Sr. Lt. Zavyalov. After he took over the command of the squadron they destroyed up to 10 enemy mortar batteries and about 20 machine-gun positions. Destroyed 20 pillboxes, 5 anti-tank guns, and eliminated up to 500 enemy troops
€900.00 -
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Soviet Order of the Red Banner #29965 Reissue
Awarded to Military Commissar Sadikov for commanding the regiment’s combat operations resulting in 1000 kills, destroying 11 tanks and taking 11 German soldiers prisoner
€550.00 -
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Soviet Order of the Red Banner #30128
Awarded to Senior Sergeant Vasily Alekseyevich Kuzmichov for heroism at the Leningrad Front
€1,150.00 -
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Soviet Order of the Red Banner #30873
Awarded to Sr. Lt. Vlasov for personally directing the artillery fire destroying 4 tanks, 16 machine guns, 1 75-mm gun, 20 wagons containing ammunition, and as many as 2 companies of enemy infantry while subjected to aerial bombardment by dozens of enemy aircraft (60-70 aircraft)
€1,600.00 -
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Soviet Order of the Red Banner #31874
Rare semi-mirror reverse awarded to guards major flight mecanic Sapega. For heroism, dropping dombs and making repairs under extreme circumstances
€1,400.00 -
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Soviet Order of the Red Banner #33041
Awarded to pilot and squadron commander Captain Kuznetsov for personally destroying 8 vehicles, 1 anti-aircraft gun, 2 artillery positions, blowing up an ammunition depots, 22 direct hits on the targets and scattering 22,500 leaflets
€1,150.00 -
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Soviet Order of the Red Banner #33298
Awarded to Captain Nikolaj Fedorovich Lavinsky for eliminating up to a company of the enemy infantry and destroying a tank and a gun towed by a tractor near Moscow in January 1942. Later that year his squadron hit 2 tanks and eliminated a group of enemy submachine gunners at Leningrad
€780.00 -
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Soviet Order of the Red Banner #35106
Awarded to Pilot Lt. Balakin for 10 successful combat missions, destroying of 8-10 vehicles with materiel and troops. In Kursk he destroyed 6-8 aircrafts and 1 fuel depot , 4 enemy tanks and 5 vehicles
€1,250.00 -
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Soviet Order of the Red Banner #35144
Awarded to the highly decorated Major Vasily Stepanovich Skubak for crushing the 6th army at Stalingrad
€1,150.00 -
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Soviet Order of the Red Banner #38020
Awarded to Guards Lt. Alaferdov for leading his battery as a tank ridden mobile party. Inspiring his men by personal example of courage and bravery, he was the first to inter the village Izvoz and set ablaze 3 buildings used by Fritzes as firing positions, destroyed 8 pillboxes, captured 5 prisoners and much materiel
€1,650.00 -
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Soviet Order of the Red Banner #38628 with award booklet
Awarded to Lt Ivan Nikitovich Kudrya for eliminating 30 enemy troops, 5 tanks, and 3 heavy machine-guns at the very start of the war. Comes with very extensive research
€1,250.00 -
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Soviet Order of the Red Banner #38977
Awarded to Lieutenant Ivan Antonovich Bolenkov for fighting off 7 enemy counterattacks, personally killing 15 fascist soldiers and being wounded
€1,050.00 -
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Soviet Order of the Red Banner #41055
Awarded to Master Sergeant Gubin for taking over aircraft control (R-5 plane) after the pilot was hit and killed by AA-fire while on a bombing mission. Sgt. Gubin was wounded and received no piloting or landing training but single-handedly managed to fly bank the aircraft and landed it in difficult night conditions. Recommended for the Order of Lenin
€1,000.00 -
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Soviet Order of the Red Banner Duplicate #42268
Awarded to artillery colonel Tskhovrebashvili
€400.00 -
Soviet Order of the Red Banner #44209
Awarded to Sr. Lieutenant Prokhorov for capturing a German soldier and a machine-gun, and destroying a dugout killing 10 enemy troops during a night mission on November 3-4, 1942. Later, he led a scouts detachment that destroyed enemy cannons and vehicles, and personally eliminated 2 enemy pillboxes and captured an officer. Despite being wounded, he remained in battle until ordered to withdraw
€1,450.00 -
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Soviet Order of the Red Banner #44240
Awarded to Junior Lieutenant Bogun for leading a small group of soldiers in capturing and defending a fortified enemy position, successfully repelling multiple counterattacks and eliminating 74 enemy soldiers and an officer despite being wounded. Recommended for the Order of Lenin
€1,250.00 -
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Soviet Order of the Red Banner #44755
Awarded to Senior Sergeant Grigory Petrovich Mezenok. Awarded for exceptional bravery ‘We will die here, but we will not take a step back from this village’
€1,200.00 -
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Soviet Order of the Red Banner #44901
Awarded to Captain Frolov for ommanding the left flank troops of our formation in the assault on the opposite edge of the grove “Kruglaya” [Demyansk pocket]. Despite imminent mortal danger, he was the first to rush into the trench and fired at the retreating enemy and thus inspired the troops by personal example and assisted to the success
€1,150.00 -
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Soviet Order of the Red Banner #46272
Awarded to Major Zgura for being the first to enter the village of Milyatino and eliminating 80 Hitlerites in the process, fending off multiple enemy counter attacks and not leaving his post when being severely wounded
€1,050.00 -
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Soviet Order of the Red Banner #47352
Awarded to Lt. Colonel Mikhail Mikhailovich Kozlovsky for preventing the enemy breaking through the defences by engineering fortifications and creating obstacles
€1,100.00 -
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Complete Documented Group of Soviet Awards. Order of the Red Banner #48801, Order of the Patriotic War 1st class #89457 and Medals
Awarded to Pilot Zavalinich for conducting well over a 100 successful combat sorties, managing to fly his damaged aircraft back at base after hit by AA fire over Riga, shooting down a ME-109, returning his plane after hit by 3 Me-110s, succesfully completing 5 combat sorties against the enemy troops at Stalingrad and much more
€3,200.00 -
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Order of the Red Banner #49594
Rare variation with its mintmark lacking the word 'Dvor'. Awarded to Jr. Lt. Evdosev for flying 13 successful IL-2 combat missions, proving himself as a brave and fearless pilot in the 621st Ground Assault Aviation Regiment on the STALINGRAD Front. He destroyed 11 tanks, 48 vehicles, a fuel truck, three enemy-occupied houses, and inflicted up to 350 enemy casualties, skillfully using his aircraft’s firepower while evading enemy anti-aircraft fire and fighters
€2,000.00 -
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Documented Order of the Red Banner #50617
Awarded to Private Efim Yakovlevich Salnikov for operations aimed at breaking the blockade of Leningrad at the Battle of Tikhvin
€1,250.00 -
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Soviet Order of the Red Banner #51679
Awarded to SU-152 commander and Sr. Lt. Levchenko for destroying 7 tanks, 3 SPGs, 3 fuel trucks, 2 anti-tank guns, and up to a company of enemy troops with his battery at the Battle of KURSK
€1,150.00 -
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Soviet Order of the Red Banner #51798
Awarded to Sergeant Innokenty Andreyevich Murzin for suppressing or destroying more than 6 mortar batteries
€900.00 -
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Soviet Order of the Red Banner #51825
Awarded to Private Nikolaj Vasilevich Loginov for engaging in a 36 hour long struggle against numerous enemy counter attacks when crossing the Dnieper river in 1943 in which he exhibited examples of steadfastness and courage
€1,180.00 -
Soviet Order of the Red Banner #52128
Awarded to NKVD Captain Makarov for demonstrating bravery, decisiveness, and integrity during the Rossosh-Valuyki and Kharkov operations where he served as a counter-intelligence officer in the 12th Tank Corps. His key contributions included: Exposing Nazi agents, local collaborators, and actively disarming, guarding, and escorting POWs
€1,350.00 -
Soviet Order of the Red Banner #54279
Awarded to sergeant Tretyak. Sgt. Tretyak was the first to rush into the enemy garrison, and when his platoon leader was taken out he assumed command of the platoon himself. During this engagement comrade Tretyak destroyed a wooden bunker containing a light machine gun and killed 4 fascists. When he was severely wounded, he continued leading his men forward until he was hauled off the battlefield
€950.00 -
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Soviet Order of the Red Banner #54521 with award booklet
Awarded to Guards Captain Alexej Matveevich Krasnikov for exceptional courage and bravery in the combat engagement at Smolensk overcoming the enemy defenses and being the first to rush into he enemy trenches eliminating German troops by the fire of his personal firearm
€1,270.00 -
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Group of Soviet Awards. Order of the Red Banner #54525, Order of the Patriotic War 2nd class #133183, Orders of the Red Star #1930785 and #3229974
To Guards Lt. Colonel Taran who served in the Polish Army. Awarded for demonstrating exceptional skill in organizing intelligence operations. In August 1943, his efforts near led to the capture of 49 enemy troops. Before the battle for Warsaw, he conducted reconnaissance raids that captured 13 prisoners, providing crucial intelligence. During the Vistula river crossing, he was among the first to reach the left bank and helped seize Kepa Kielpinska
€1,800.00 -
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Soviet Order of the Red Banner #60251
Awarded to senior Lieutenant Andrei Ivanovich Shapovalov for fighting at the North Caucasus Front. He remained heavily wounded in his tank
€1,200.00 -
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Soviet Order of the Red Banner #61112
Awarded to Lt Fedosov for being the first to rush the German trenches in Stalingrad and eliminating 8 enemy soldiers and one officer with his submachine-gun
€1,250.00 -
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Soviet Order of the Red Banner #61262
Awarded to Fighter Pilot and Sr. sergeant Gavril Gavrilovich Guskov for shooting down 8 Me-109, 3 Fw-190 and one He-111. A truly amazing piece with lots of character
€1,050.00 -
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Soviet Order of the Red Banner #61708
Awarded to SB Pilot and Captain Nikolaj Mikhailovich Egorov for attacking railway stations killing hundreds of Hitlerites, destroying several trains and ammunition depots and destroying dozens of enemy planes when attaching enemy airfields
€1,450.00 -
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Soviet Order of the Red Banner #62997
Awarded to Guards Jr. Lieutenant and Pilot Ivan Semyonovich Guba for gathering intelligence during reconnaissance missions and destroying many targets with his group such as enemy planes, ammunition depots and a bridge
€1,200.00 -
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Soviet Order of the Red Banner #63323
Awarded to Lt. Grigory Romanovich Marchenko. During 18-19 July 1943 Marchenko took command of a rifle battalion after the commander was incapacitated. Leading a group of 12 men, he repelled eight (!) counter-attacks from an overwhelmingly superior enemy force. Despite being wounded in both arms, he continued to lead and fought in hand-to-hand combat using bayonets, rifle butts, and hand grenades
€1,250.00 -
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Soviet Order of the Red Banner #64464
Awared to lt. Dmitriyev for bravery and fearlessness in removing hundreds of mines while being under enemy fire
€1,000.00 -
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Soviet Order of the Red Banner #64728
Awarded to Major Grigory Ivanovich Korolyov for risking his life and fearlessly carrying out all assignments from army command
€1,050.00 -
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Soviet Order of the Red Banner #65292 Reissue
Awarded to Guards Lt. Col. and Hero of the Soviet Union (!) Nikonenko for personally leading battle formations with danger to life. Due to his successful command his regiment inflicted substantial damage to the enemy killing 2000 soldiers and officers, shooting down a He-111 aircraft, destroying self-propelled guns, mortar-artillery batteries, and enemy bunkers
€650.00 -
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Soviet Order of the Red Banner #65438
Awarded to Lieutenant Vasily Semyonovich Prekrasnij for making 80 rounds of crossing the river Dnieper during the night under a hurricane of enemy fire. By personal example and with courage Prekrasnij was one of the first to carry over our infantry and mortar troops
€1,150.00 -
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Soviet Order of the Red Banner #67227
Awarded to Guards Lieutenant Bannikov for personably eliminating up to two platoons of enemy infantry and suppressing three enemy firing positions while being wounded. Comes with extra research material
€1,200.00 -
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Soviet Order of the Red Banner #67654
Awarded to sapper Sagach for bravery and being one of the first crossing the Dnieper. Nominated for the titel HSU
€1,350.00 -
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Soviet Order of the Red Banner #68110
Awarded to Sr. Lieutenant Petr Lavrentievich Rodenko for personally eliminating 5 enemy firing positions and destroying an enemy gun crew by his hand grenades during the MOSCOW OFFENSIVE. Being wounded twice in this engagements, he remained on the battlefield and refused to go to a hospital
€1,250.00 -
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Soviet Order of the Red Banner #69615
Awarded to Guards Senior Lieutenant and squadron navigator Kirill Semyonovich Dubovoy for conducting 46 successful combat missions (3 daylight and 43 night) among which against Brest and Auginsburg
€1,250.00 -
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Soviet Order of the Red Banner #70541 Duplicate
Awarded to private/scout Sheludko for attacking 16 tanks and large number of vehicles loaded with ammunition with his hand grenades. Later, he captured an enemy prisoner-informant and eliminated two Germans while sneaking behind enemy lines
€680.00 -
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Soviet Order of the Red Banner #70948
Awarded to Lt. Colonel Yakov Fedorovich Grigoriev for courage and heroism facing the attacking enemy and destroying 2 tanks and a substantial number of troops in the process
€1,150.00 -
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Soviet Order of the Red Banner #72067 Reissue
Awarded to Mj. General of Armour Engineer corps Boreyko. Boreyko was the very first minister of Transportation of the RSFSR in 1939-1940
€600.00 -
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Soviet Order of the Red Banner #72728
Awarded to Captain Pyotr Ivanovich Tarakanov for being wounded twice and gunning down 5 German soldiers from a tank and killing 2 in a hand-to-hand engagement
€1,300.00 -
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Soviet Order of the Red Banner #73943
Awarded to Captain Alexander Ivanovich Belov (Александр Иванович Белов) for the Battle of Kursk
€1,500.00 -
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Soviet Order of the Red Banner #75112
Awarded to Lt. Ishchenko for fulfilling a critical task during the 4th battle of Kharkov and thereby saving the life of his regimental commander and eliminating 13 Germans with his rifle and grenades. Recommended for the Order of Lenin
€1,000.00 -
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Soviet Order of the Red Banner #75494
Awarded to Captain Nikolaj Dmitrievich Kolesnik. For personally leading his men through a mine field to the enemy trenches
€1,200.00 -
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Soviet Order of the Red Banner #76471
To Guards Private Slobodyanik who was nominated for the title 'Hero of the Soviet Union'. Awarded for helping the 8th Guards Tank Corps cross the Dniper at night
€1,100.00 -
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Soviet Order of the Red Banner #76854
Awarded to T-34 Tank Commander Captain Taras Fedorovich Bevz for combat operations during 07-11 August 1943 near the settlements Risavy and Nasonovo where his tank destroyed 3 anti-tank guns and their crews, 1 mortar battery and its crew, 1 pillbox, 2 light machine-guns and their crew, and up to a platoon of enemy troops. Recommended for the Order of Lenin!
€2,150.00 -
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Soviet Order of the Red Banner #77108
Awarded to Alexander Vyacheslavovich Kusakin for shooting down 4 planes personally and several as a team of enemy aircraft, perfect command of the flight technique on all types of domestic fighter aircraft and on foreign aircraft: "Me-109", "Hurricane", "Aircobra", as well as for testing equipment, samples air armament and personnel training
€1,450.00 -
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Soviet Order of the Red Banner #80335 ‘Swallow Tail’
Reconverted condition. Awarded to Sergeant Nifantyev for exhibiting personal bravery and heroism on the night of November 1 to 2 1943 when gaining a foothold on the Crimean Peninsula. Recommended for the title Hero of the Soviet Union (all the way up to Lt. General Yakov Kreizer)
€470.00 -
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Soviet Order of the Red Banner #80343
Rare 'Swallow Tail' variation. Recommended for the titel HSU for personally knocking out 2 enemy tanks and gunning down 60 germans at point-blank range
€1,300.00 -
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Soviet Order of the Red Banner #81497 ‘Swallow Tail’
Awarded to motorboat ace Guards Sergeant Ivan Fedorovich Sapronov for fearlessly leading the charge across the treacherous Dnieper River, making 30 perilous trips under enemy fire from
€1,300.00 -
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Soviet Order of the Red Banner #81687 ‘Swallow Tail’
Awarded to Guards Lt. Bildy. Awarded for personally killing 10 Hitlerites and two enemy officers in a hand-to-hand skirmish!
€1,000.00 -
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Soviet Order of the Red Banner #86357
Awarded to Lt. Col. Sinyaev for demonstrating exemplary leadership in organizing reconnaissance operations during the liberation of the Donbass region, accurately identifying enemy positions, forces, and defenses, which significantly contributed to the successful breakthroughs and advances of Soviet troops. Sinyaev was highly decorated with an Order of Bogdan Khmelnytsky 2nd class, Kutuzov 2nd class among other awards
€320.00 -
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Soviet Order of the Red Banner #90816
Awarded to Jr. Lt. Bogdanov for exhibiting exceptional courage, bravery, and military skill while being encircled by the enemy force. He personally eliminated 6 enemy troops when fending off the enemy's counter attack in February 1944
€390.00 -
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Soviet Order of the Red Banner Duplicate #94248
Awarded to captain Busygin for personally destroying 2 antiaircraft guns, 4 mortars, 2 vehicles, 1 light machine gun, and a platoon of infantry
€370.00 -
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Soviet Order of the Red Banner #94426
Awarded to Major Stashuk for inflicted great losses upon the enemy in the in the Dukhovshchina, Smolensk, and Vytebsk regions. He personally lead a detachment of submachine-gunners and eliminated up to 13 Fascists, destroyed 2 tanks and 1 SPG, 5 trucks and 1 vehicle