Below you will find a selection of Soviet orders for sale
Showing 1–40 of 85 results
Soviet Order of Lenin #1673 ‘Gold Head’
Awarded in 1935 to Yelena Osipovna Uvarova (Елена Осиповна Уварова), Chairman of the ‘Spartak’ Kolkhoz for heroic labor, for successes in exceeding the grain harvest output norms by 100–200 percent
$17,160.00 -
Soviet Order of Lenin #1753 (Reissue for a Lenin ‘Gold Head’)
Awarded to Shaiful Abdullayev (Абдуллаева Шайфула), teacher at the elementary school attached to the ‘Leninsky Put’ [Lenin’s Way] Kolkhoz, Tajik SSR
$6,968.00 -
Soviet Order of Lenin #8403
Rare ‘Swallowtail’ / ‘Dovetail’ variation awarded to Aleksandr Ivanovich Pshenichnikov for producing some war materiel in the Lysva plant
$4,992.00 -
Soviet Order of Suvorov 2nd Class #962
Awarded to Guards Mj. General Vladimir Iosifovich Brezhnev for ensuring effective artillery support during the forced crossing of the Svir’ River and breaking through heavily fortified enemy lines. This was acknowledged by Supreme Commander Stalin. Brezhnev's leadership was crucial in overcoming dense enemy defenses and coordinating with rifle troops for rapid advancements and additional breakthroughs at the Megreka River. Brezhnev was arrested for counter-revolutionary activities in 1938 but released and rehabilitated in 1940
$17,680.00 -
Soviet Order of Suvorov 3rd Class #8461
Awarded to Major Igor Aleksandrovich Danchich for leading and directly participating in the construction of 5 river crossing sites for division troops under heavy enemy fire, enabling a swift capture of a bridgehead on the Desna river's western bank. His leadership and personal involvement motivated the sappers to work quickly despite the risk from enemy artillery and air attacks
$6,032.00 -
Soviet Order of Kutuzov 2nd Class #972
Awarded to Major General of Aviation Sergei Favstovich Buzylev for successfully commanding his division in multiple operations, conducting hundreds of combat sorties, destroying significant enemy equipment, supplies, and infrastructure. Buzylev was highly decorated and also flew as a pilot during the Spanish Civil War
$11,440.00 -
Soviet Order of Kutuzov 3rd Class #7435
Rare subvariation awarded to Lt Colonel Zabaznov. For skillfully organizing staff work under complex offensive fighting conditions. His regiment took 300 prisoners, killed over 2000 enemy soldiers and officers, destroyed 20 tanks and self-propelled guns, and captured 60 artillery pieces and over 500 trucks containing goods
$6,032.00 -
Soviet Order of Bogdan Khmelnitsky 2nd Class #1334
Awarded to Lt. Colonel Evstratov for efficiently leading his troops in a successful enemy strong defense breakthrough operation on January 14, 1945, and continuing to lead them until the rifle corps reached the Vistula River. His leadership prevented casualties and cleared 2,225 anti-tank and anti-personnel mines, along with 16 time bombs in the corps's path. He also personally oversaw bridge and crossing construction, facilitating the timely movement of our forces across water obstacles. Lt. Col. Evstratov was mentioned in the book 'From Moscow to Stralsund' for his ingenious plan of digging a tunnel to get behind the enemy trenches
$14,976.00 -
Soviet Order of Bogdan Khmelnitsky 3rd Class #2499
Awarded to Captain Boris Ivanovich Velichko for gathering fully reliable intelligence during reconnaissance missions in which he was subject to heavy rifle, artillery, and mortar fire. By his efforts many enemy troops and material could be destroyed
$3,744.00 -
Soviet Order of Bogdan Khmelnitsky 3rd Class #4928
Awarded to Guards Master Sergeant Mikhail Mikhailovich Sidorov for repelling 3 enemy counter-attacks by a numerically superior force and personally killing 6 Hitlerites when crossing of the river Western Dvina after he replaced the platoon commander who was taken out of the action
$3,640.00 -
Group of Orders of Bogdan Khmelnitsky 3rd class #5946, Patriotic War 1st class #287864 and Glory 2nd class #3660
Awarded to Sgt. Storonkin for being the first to rush into the enemy trenches in East-Prussia on several occasions, killing many Germans in the process and enabling the capture of the settlements. Even when wounded he did not leave the battlefield. Sgt. Storonkin was recommended for the Order of Glory 1st class twice(!)
$6,968.00 -
Soviet Order of Bogdan Khmelnitsky 3rd Class #6197
Awarded to partisan commander Obozny for leading and personally taking part of several successful partisan operations
$3,120.00 -
Soviet Order of Alexander Nevsky #7386
Awarded to Major Makar Yefimovich Semenenkov for repelling four counterattacks in Livny, killing up to 100 enemy soldiers. Along the Tim River, he led a platoon to dislodge enemy forces, killing 20 and capturing 8. In Krichev, he was the first to cross the Sozh River, securing a bridgehead. Near Belitsa, he led his battalion in capturing trenches and repelling over eight attacks, inspiring his troops with his leadership
$1,976.00 -
Soviet Order of Alexander Nevsky #26417
Awarded to Lt. Belokon for exceptional courage and leadership during street fighting in the city of Breslau. Facing a fortified enemy force in the cellars, he skillfully organized his company and launched a surprise nighttime assault causing up to 40 casualties. Despite being wounded twice he refused evacuation and continued leading his troops
$1,768.00 -
Order for Service to the Homeland in the Armed Forces of the USSR 2nd class #3483
Awarded to Navy Lieutenant Commander Yuri Petrovich Rybak. Rare piece in excellent condition. Highest number awarded!
$3,744.00 -
Sold Out
Order for Service to the Homeland in the Armed Forces of the USSR 3rd class #7091
Semi-mirror reverse awarded to Colonel Aleksandr Ivanovich Kumpan for overseeing officer selection, evaluations, and assignments within the Group of Soviet Occupation Forces in Germany
$603.20 -
Order for Service to the Homeland in the Armed Forces of the USSR 3rd class #18661
Awarded to Nikolay Aleksandrovich Shpanka (Николай Александрович Шпанка) on 30 April 1975
$832.00 -
Soviet Order of Friendship of Peoples #37295
Excellent condition with well preserved enamels and uncut connection ring
$499.20 -
Soviet Order of the October Revolution #41448 with booklet
Awarded to Nina Grigorievna Deshko who was also awarded the Order of Lenin
$447.20 -
Soviet Order of the October Revolution #77244
Variation 2 with 5 rivets. In excellent condition
$374.40 -
Award Group of Order of the Patriotic War 1st class #56328, Order of the Red Star #3316031 + 3316067 and a Medal for Combat Merit
Awarded to Sr. Lieutenant Nikolai Ivanovich Orlov for completing 11 combat missions as a navigator delivering weapons and ammunition to Belarusian partisans under difficult weather conditions, strong opposition from night fighters and intense anti-aircraft defenses
$1,352.00 -
Sold Out
Soviet Order of the Patriotic War 1st class #61721
Awarded to Sr. Lieutenant Pavel Andreevich Krasnolutsky for personally destroying 8 trucks, up to 20 enemy troops, 1 aircraft on the ground, 2 field guns, and burning 1 depot during ground bomb attack missions in the Königsberg and Samland areas. With his regiment he conducted 1321 combat missions and engaged in 4 air battles, which resulted in 13 shot down enemy aircraft
We offer a wide variety of Soviet awards for a sharp price. All our items are covered with a money-back guarantee if not authentic.
We buy Soviet orders, medals, badges and complete collections. We can offer high value since we take very small margins and have low overhead expenses. Therefore we can give you the best prices on the internet!
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