Медаль За боевые заслуги
Showing 1–100 of 121 results
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Soviet Medal for Combat Merit #19450
To deputy chief of staff of the 3rd Guards ground assault aviation corps: Colonel Anton Lukich Sokolovsky. In great condition and awarded in February 1941
$262.14 -
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Soviet Medal for Combat Merit #22861
Awarded to Chief Petty Officer Yefim Yakovlevich Marushchenko for risking his life on the battleship 'Marat'
$436.90 -
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Soviet Medal for Combat Merit #24619
Senior sergeant Ivan Fedorovich Kolov for moving toward enemy positions with his machine gun and eliminating 20 Germans during operation 'Fall Blau'. Kolov was reported MIA in July 1942
$436.90 -
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Soviet Medal for Combat Merit #28492
Awarded to Senior telegraph technician Vyacheslav Alexandrovich Kosminsky for setting up telegraphy equipment at the communication hub in Murmansk for 3 days straight without sleep
$240.29 -
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Soviet Medal for Combat Merit #31237
Awarded to Lieutenant Grigory Moiseevich Naiko for bravery and successes during the beginning of the war against Germany. Naiko was reported MIA shortly after being awarded the medal
$218.45 -
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Soviet Medal for Combat Merit #32812
Awarded to Private and Sr. Technician Mischenko for repairing aircrafts on the frontline. Hand engraved serial number. Probably the best rectangular suspension type we have ever handled!
$502.43 -
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Soviet Medal for Combat Merit #52296
Awarded to Private Mulloyan Sadykov for exceeding his working quotas for lumber stocking by 300-350% and for road construction by 300-380% despite his elderly age and sustained wound
$229.37 -
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Soviet Medal for Combat Merit #62822
Awarded for mastering Pe-2 aircraft’s armament systems and radio transceiver to perfection, shooting down a Me-109 aircraft and many successful reconnaissance missions
$262.14 -
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Soviet Medal for Combat Merit #64877
Awarded to Sr. Lieutenant of the intendant corps Aleksander Pavlovich Kipreev for his work as a finance book keeper where he proved himself a determined and persistent serviceman
$240.29 -
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Soviet Medal for Combat Merit #80447
Awarded to NKVD sniper Sergeant Pavel Markiyanovich Gladkij for advancing to the forward line to the sector in immediate vicinity to enemy firing positions and eliminating 10 German occupants by his precise sniper fire in the process
$415.05 -
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Soviet Medal for Combat Merit #102337
Awarded to morse code Guards Private Mikhail Timofeevich Smirnov. In excellent condition with all original parts
$240.29 -
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Soviet Medal for Combat Merit #110625
Awarded to Military technician Podorozhnij for playing a critical role in supporting the Red Army's logistics near Stalingrad. On August 24, 1942, during a German air raid, Podorozhnij skillfully organized the retreat of his unit and equipment from the Volga's right bank near Erzovka, preventing losses. This occurred a day after the German 16th Panzer Division reached the Volga north of Stalingrad near Rynok–Erzovka
$316.75 -
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Soviet Medal for Combat Merit #111201
Awarded to captain of the Aeronautical Engineering Service Demyokhin
$207.53 -
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Soviet Medal for Combat Merit #111846
Awarded to Sergeant major Grigory Fedorovich Dolgov for ingenuity and engineering skills in developing pillboxes and retrieving material
$229.37 -
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Soviet Medal for Combat Merit #116340
Awarded to the Jewish Sr. Politruk Iosif Evelovich Borsch, secretary of the local VKP(b) organisation. In excellent condition
$229.37 -
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Soviet Medal for Combat Merit #119143
Awarded to Sergeant tank technician Nikolay Petrovich Tarasov for repairs on a T-34 tank, which was blown up by a mine. Under bombardment of gun- and mortar fire, he replaced two rollers with balancers, a driving wheel, a track and unjammed the turret. In week that followed he repaired several other tanks
$131.07 -
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Soviet Medal for Combat Merit #128783
Awarded to the Lieutenant Ilya Denisovich Bubnov for his effort providing the Command with uninterrupted signalling capability
$196.60 -
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Soviet Medal for Combat Merit #129264
Awarded to Captain agitator Alexander Iosifovich Gershon for boosting morale through meetings and discussions as an agitator. Regularly on the frontlines, he effectively executes assignments, supports political officers, and remains steadfast in challenging combat conditions
$120.15 -
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Soviet Medal for Combat Merit #141676
Awarded to Private Boris Grigorievich Nefedov, Rifleman of the 82 border guards rifle regiment of the NKVD troops. Awarded for clearing an enemy pillbox, eliminating 3 White-Finns and taking prisoners
$273.06 -
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Soviet Medal for Combat Merit #144376
To Master Sergeant Makar Trofimovich Satull for exhibiting courage and bravery in providing the fighting troops in the Leningrad region with food and ammunitions. Even when wounded he finished his duties
$251.22 -
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Soviet Medal for Combat Merit #147863
Awarded to Sr. Sergeant Aleksander Leonidovich Lasygin for regularly delivering ammunition supplies to the firing positions and personally destroying 2 enemy machine-guns by his hand grenades
$229.37 -
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Soviet Medal for Combat Merit #149467
Awarded to woman and Private Ekaterina Ivanovna Medvedeva for caring to wounded solders and officers under the harshest of circumstances. She was part of the relieving forces of the Leningrad blockade
$240.29 -
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Soviet Medal for Combat Merit #153490
Awarded to Major Evgeny Appolinarovich Kulchitsky for contributing to the brigade's success by ensuring the units always received their combat dispatches in proper time
$218.45 -
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Soviet Medal for Combat Merit #167456
Awarded to Jewish Lt. Khariton for leading his company into an assault, raising them with the war cries “Hurra!” and “For Stalin!”. His company captured up to 50 enemy troops and he personally destroyed an enemy dugout with 5 Hungarian troops
$273.06 -
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Soviet Medal for Combat Merit #169091
Probably awarded during the winter of 1942-1943 so with excellent research potential
$109.22 -
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Soviet Medal for Combat Merit #169981
Most likely awarded during the winter of 1942-1943 so with great research potential
$240.29 -
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Soviet Medal for Combat Merit #173541
Awarded to private Nikolaj Nikolaevich Kalinsky awarded for remaining at his observation post near Stalingrad, even after the enemy tanks passed him by on the both flanks. By doing so he was able to reported all the details to the commanders post
$305.83 -
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Soviet Medal for Combat Merit #184417
Most likely awarded during the winter of 1942-1943 so with great research potential
$240.29 -
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Soviet Medal for Combat Merit #185748
Most likely awarded during the winter of 1942-1943 so with great research potential
$240.29 -
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Soviet Medal for Combat Merit #197255
Awarded to Lt. Starovoitov for his reconnoitered advance of the enemy troops near the lake Zhizhitskoye in 1941 [Russia] during which he fought off the advancing enemy with rifle fire and hand-grenades and thus managed to report valuable intelligence to the headquarters. While working as liaison officer, he conducted up to 25 flights and delivered combat dispatches and operational documents to the units on the ground.
$283.98 -
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Soviet Medal for Combat Merit #251563
Awarded to private Taras Ilyich Postnikov for ensuring uninterrupted operation of the station’s communications from March 25 to March 30, 1943 under heavy enemy artillery fire. Despite dangerous conditions, he demonstrated remarkable courage and dedication. Postnikov sadly died a year later
$305.83 -
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Soviet Medal for Combat Merit #240383
Awarded to jr. Sgt. Nikolay Sergeevich Gavrilov for leading fire from a mortar, with precise targeting on enemy firing points and live forces, destroyed a mortar battery with its crew, three carts with ammunition, and part of the enemy during the battle for Velikiye Luki (Russia) on January 17, 1943
$240.29 -
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Soviet Medal for Combat Merit #254081
$87.38 -
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Soviet Medal for Combat Merit #261659
Awarded to Jr. Lieutenant Yakov Terentievich Pilipchenko for executing his missions in delivering food and ammunition supplies to the combat forward positions in highly disciplined and well organised fashion
$229.37 -
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Soviet Medal for Combat Merit #265206
Nice piece with excellent research potential
$185.68 -
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Soviet Medal for Combat Merit #271710
Awarded to Sgt. Trubaev for excellent work for repairing the gun pieces, for which the artillery workshop was issued a monetary bonus from the army level command
$196.60 -
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Soviet Medal for Combat Merit #282005
Exceptionally well preserved with great research potential
$251.22 -
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Soviet Medal for Combat Merit #283664
Awarded to Sergeant Matvey Yegorovich Zhigunov. Most likely awarded for deeds in the spring of 1943 in the Kharkov battle. He Died on 11/21/1943 during the Kiev defensive operation
$185.68 -
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Soviet Medal for Combat Merit #303655
Most likely awarded in the first half of 1943 so with great research potential
$174.76 -
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Soviet Medal for Combat Merit #313390
Awarded to Private Mikhail Mikhailovich Andreev for carrying ammunition on his horse carriage to the artillery battery positions which helped maintaining the high rate of fire
$207.53 -
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Soviet Medal for Combat Merit #324121
The medal is in nice, above average condition with several small dings and scratches
$163.84 -
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Soviet Medal for Combat Merit #334030
Awarded to Radio technician master Gleb Ivanovich Loptev for crawling under heavy enemy fire and delivering a new battery for the radio station while being wounded. Sgt. Loptev was issued a duplicate award but this is his initial piece
$109.22 -
Soviet Medal for Combat Merit #349119
Awarded to Guards Captain Denisov for ensuring timely food supplies for the wounded and sick under challenging conditions, fulfilling orders promptly with initiative and efficiency since September 1942. During critical times, he utilized motor transport to guarantee delivery, significantly aiding recovery efforts
$240.29 -
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Soviet Medal for Combat Merit #353592
To Lieutenant Ivan Lazarevich Zalivchij who was promoted to an officer rank from an NCO position. Awarded for eliminating over 100 German troops with his platoon
$240.29 -
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Soviet Medal for Combat Merit #368220
Most likely awarded during the summer of 1943
$218.45 -
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Soviet Medal for Combat Merit #380763
Awarded to Private Baranov for bravery near Rostov by taking over a gun role after the commander was injured, continuing firing despite crew injuries, and skillfully evacuated the gun and truck under enemy fire
$262.14 -
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Soviet Medal for Combat Merit #408280
Awarded to Guards military doctor rank II Nikolaj Tarasovich Litoshko for distinguishing himself during an outbreak of typhus providing care for 150 patients while being the only medic present. He didn’t leave the premises for several days straight
$262.14 -
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Soviet Medal for Combat Merit #497758
Awarded to the female Master Sgt. of the medical corps Valentina Ivanovna Izotova for rendering medical aide to 40 solders and officers disregarding the impeding danger
$109.22 -
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Soviet Medal for Combat Merit #548520
Most likely awarded during the last months of 1943
$81.92 -
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Soviet Medal for Combat Merit #525144
Awarded to Master Sergeant Konstantin Mikhailovich Lotishvili for boldly transporting ammunition and provisions to the front line and evacuating wounded troops regardless of the conditions
$76.46 -
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Soviet Medal for Combat Merit #577501
$60.07 -
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Soviet Medal for Combat Merit #580653
$60.07 -
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Soviet Medal for Combat Merit #626642
$54.61 -
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Soviet Medal for Combat Merit #629060
$49.15 -
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Soviet Medal for Combat Merit #640666
Awarded to Private Semyon Filippovich Zozulya for transporting wounded troops from the batteries' firing positions to the aid station under enemy artillery and mortar fire, saving the lives of these men
$65.53 -
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Soviet Medal for Combat Merit #724287
Awarded to Guards Private Arim Ilyich Pitimashvili, driver in an automobile company of the 3rd Guards Motorized Rifle Brigade, 4th Guards Tank Corps, 60th Army, 1st Ukrainian Front
$81.92 -
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Soviet Medal for Combat Merit #741100
$38.23 -
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Soviet Medal for Combat Merit #785630
$49.15 -
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Soviet Medal for Combat Merit #831349
$38.23 -
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Soviet Medal for Combat Merit #861556
$65.53 -
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Soviet Medal for Combat Merit #894126
$54.61 -
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Soviet Medal for Combat Merit #926583
$49.15 -
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Soviet Medal for Combat Merit #936074
$43.69 -
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Soviet Medal for Combat Merit #954721
$38.23 -
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Soviet Medal for Combat Merit #1027545
$49.15 -
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Soviet Medal for Combat Merit #1095368
$43.69 -
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Soviet Medal for Combat Merit #1229518
$21.84 -
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Soviet Medal for Combat Merit #1339499
$38.23 -
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Soviet Medal for Combat Merit #1420954
$38.23 -
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Soviet Medal for Combat Merit #1451775
$43.69 -
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Soviet Medal for Combat Merit #1499682
Awarded to Petr Semenovich Dedkin who was wounded 3 times and stripped of his awards in 1949
$109.22 -
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Soviet Medal for Combat Merit #1598337
$38.23 -
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Soviet Medal for Combat Merit #1726855
$43.69 -
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Soviet Medal for Combat Merit #1741523
Awarded to female Guards sergeant Vera Ivanovna Dotsenko for her active participation in the struggle against the German invaders and being wounded
$87.38 -
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Soviet Medal for Combat Merit #1805904
$38.23 -
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Documented Medal for Combat Merit #1808347
Awarded to Corporal Nikolai Semyonovich Gogolenko for energetically reloading the [Katjoesja] rocket launcher while being subject to heavy enemy mortar fire and preventing a catastrophic incident with primers
$141.99 -
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Soviet Medal for Combat Merit #1890662
$43.69 -
Soviet Medal for Combat Merit #1924936
Awarded to Sergeant Aleksander Andreevich Grebenyuk, quartermaster of the 3rd company of 266 separate repairs battalion. Sgt. Grebenyuk was wounded 3 times
$76.46 -
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Soviet Medal for Combat Merit #2091519
$43.69 -
Soviet Medal for Combat Merit #2087340
$43.69 -
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Soviet Medal for Combat Merit #2272468
$32.77 -
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Soviet Medal for Combat Merit #2296957
$43.69 -
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Soviet Medal for Combat Merit #2436709. U-shape eyelet variation
$38.23 -
Soviet Medal for Combat Merit #2576690. U-shape eyelet variation
$43.69 -
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Soviet Medal for Combat Merit #2625103. U-shape eyelet variation
$32.77 -
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Soviet Medal for Combat Merit #2693536. U-shape eyelet variation
$43.69 -
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Soviet Medal for Combat Merit #2803810
$49.15 -
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Soviet Medal for Combat Merit #3003352. U-shape eyelet variation
$32.77 -
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Soviet Medal for Combat Merit #3014196. U-shape eyelet variation
$38.23 -
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Soviet Medal for Combat Merit #3019397
Awarded to the Jewish Lieutenant Alexander Solomonovich Pikus for saving (rather than destroying) ciphered documents of the army headquarters when there was a threat of seizure
$98.30 -
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Soviet Medal for Combat Merit #3030741
$49.15 -
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Soviet Medal for Combat Merit #3105634. U-shape eyelet variation
$32.77 -
Soviet Medal for Combat Merit. U-shape eyelet variation without serial number
$76.46 -
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Soviet Medal for Combat Merit. Flat eyelet variation
$38.23 -
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Soviet Medal for Combat Merit. Flat eyelet variation
$38.23 -
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Soviet Medal for Combat Merit. Flat eyelet variation
$38.23 -
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Soviet Medal for Combat Merit. Flat eyelet variation
$38.23 -
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Soviet Medal for Combat Merit. Flat eyelet variation
$32.77 -
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Soviet Medal for Combat Merit. Flat eyelet variation
$32.77 -
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Soviet Medal for Combat Merit. Flat eyelet variation