Герой Социалистического Труда
Showing all 15 results
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Soviet Hero of Socialist Labor #480
Awarded to Stefan Filippovich Bocharnik, foreman of the tractor brigade of the Novo-Astrakhan MTS
$2,342.98 -
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Soviet Hero of Socialist Labor #529
Rare early piece in excellent condition. Awarded to foreman of the collective farm "Bolshevik" Pyotr Stepanovich Makarenko
$2,669.91 -
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Soviet Hero of Socialist Labor #1014 with documents
Awarded to Turdy Babaeva (Турды Бабаева) for collecting an average of 87.83 centners of raw cotton from each hectare on a plot of 3.5 hectares in 1947
$3,105.82 -
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Soviet Hero of Socialist Labor #2609
Awarded to Abu Syzdykov, senior shepherd of the Chkalov collective farm in Kazakhstan by Decree of the Presidium of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR of 23 July 1948. For preserving the flock despite the difficult winter conditions of 1947-1948
$2,560.94 -
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Soviet Hero of Socialist Labor #3159
In excellent condition with few traces of wear. Awarded to the Lihuanian team leader Miklushis at the pig-breeding sovkhoz. She was the first Lithuanian who received the title 'Hero of Socialist Labor'
$1,961.57 -
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Soviet Hero of Socialist Labor #3340 with large award certificate
Awarded to Fenya Yezekimovna Harutyunyan who at a collective farm named after Molotov
$3,160.30 -
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Soviet Hero of Socialist Labor #4993
Awarded to Alexander Sergeevich Gavrilov by Decree of the Presidium of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR of January 13, 1950
$2,778.89 -
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Soviet Hero of Socialist Labor #8031
Awarded to Georgy Ivanovich Chabanov, chairman of the Kirov collective farm
$1,907.08 -
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Soviet Hero of Socialist Labor #8380
Awarded to the Moldavian woman Sicily Fedorovna Egorova. This piece is literally a textbook example for it is portrayed in 'Soviet Orders and Medals' by Andrew Reznik
$1,907.08 -
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Soviet Hero of Socialist Labor #8736
In excellent condition with almost no traces of wear. Awarded to Semenenko, foreman at the ‘Chernomorets’ Fish Farm
$2,016.06 -
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Soviet Hero of Socialist Labor #11632
Awarded to Lydia Ivanovna Sinitsyna (Лидия Ивановна Синицына) 1926-2001
$2,397.47 -
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Group of Awards to a Hero of Socialist Labor #14758 with documents
Awarded to Ivan Grigorievich Kizima, chairman of the collective farm named after Chkalov
$2,767.99 -
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Soviet Hero of Socialist Labor #15443
Awarded to the Lithuanian economic figure and deputy of the Supreme Council of the Lithuanian SSR (9th convocation) Antanas Juozovičius Saulevičius (Антанас Юозович Саулявичюс)
$2,778.89 -
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Soviet Hero of Socialist Labor #18300
In excellent condition. Awarded to movie director, actor and writer Grigory Vasilievich Aleksandrov. Famous for the movies Circus, Volga Volga, and Battleship Potemkin
$2,615.42 -
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Documents to a Soviet Hero of Socialist Labor
Named to Viktor Vasilyevich Kanareykin who was awarded Hero of Socialist Labor Star number #9268. Kanareykin was transported to Germany during the war for forced labor, but managed to escape