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Order Group of the Order of Alexander Nevsky #21122, Order of the Patriotic War 1st class #80622, 2x Order of the Patriotic War 2nd class #413683 & #496234 and 2x Order of the Red Star #470638 and #3424978



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Order Group of the Order of Alexander Nevsky, Orders of the Patriotic War and Red Stars 


Александр Александрович Твердий


Awarded to Sr. Sergeant and later Lieutenant Aleksandr Aleksandrovich Tverdiy (Александр Александрович Твердий)


Stationed in Vladivostok at the Japanese front


A complete set with all numbered awards present to a true hero with incredible Rambo-like accomplishments!  



The group consists of the following items:


Order of Alexander Nevsky #21122

Made of solid silver and enamels. Measures 51.40 mm in height, 50.75 mm in width and it weighs 41.0 gram without its screwplate. The mint mark Monetni Dvor and the serial number are located at the bottom of its reverse.

This original order is in excellent condition with beautiful red enamels and much gold plating still present. The higher laying parts like Nevsky’s face show light wear and almost all details are clearly visible. The enamels are all present and without repairs and show several small dings and scratches only; mostly invisible with the naked eye. The reverse of the order is in even better condition and shows an appealing dark patina. Its screwpost is full length and and the order comes with its original and well fitted silver screwplate.


Order of the Patriotic War 1st class #80622

Made of solid gold silver and enamels. Measures 45.49 mm in height, 43.29 mm in width and weighs 29.5 gram without its screwplate. The mint mark Monetni Dvor is located at the top and its serial number on the bottom of its reverse.

In great condition with problem free enamels. The higher laying parts such as the hammer and sickle have crisp details. The red and white enamels show several contact marks but not penetrating the gold and there have been no repairs. Both sides show a nice toning to the gold and its screw has not been shortened.


Order of the Patriotic War 2nd class #413683

Made of silver and enamels. Measures 47.69 mm in height, 45.34 mm in width and weighs 29.5 gram without its screwplate. The mint mark Monetni Dvor and the serial number are located on the bottom of it reverse.

In nice condition with light to medium overall wear. The gold hammer and sickle have been replaced by one of brass from a cap badge. This is often seen with these orders. In the process of replacing they slightly damaged the enamels underneath the hammer and sickle and caused a superficial chip. This however does not distract from the overall appeal of the order. The red and white enamels are otherwise problem free with small contact marks only and both sides show a medium dark patina. The order comes with its time period and well fitted silver screwplate and its screw has not been shortened.


Order of the Patriotic War 2nd class #496234

Made of silver and enamels. Measures 45.43 mm in height, 43.59 mm in width and weighs 29.5 gram without its screwplate. The mint mark Monetni Dvor and the serial number are located on the bottom of it reverse.

In nice condition with light to medium overall wear. Like the previous order the gold hammer and sickle have been replaced by one of brass from a cap badge. This time they didn’t cause any damage to the enamel underneath. The red and white enamels are thus problem free with small contact marks only. The order comes with its time period and well fitted silver screwplate and its screw has not been shortened.


Order of the Red Star #470638 

Made of silver and enamels. Measures 46.04 mm in height, 47.18 mm in width and weighs 29.5 gram without its screwplate. The mint mark Monetni Dvor is located above and the serial number below the screwpost.

This order is in relatively good condition with most details visible and medium overall wear. The enamels are problem free apart from a repair on the 9 o’clock ray of the red star. This is done quite nicely and hard to spot at first glance. The order comes with its well fitted and time period screwplate and its screw has not been shortened.


Order of the Red Star #3424978

Made of silver and enamels.Measures 46.24 mm in height, 48.09 mm in width and weighs 29.5 gram without its screwplate. The mint mark Monetni Dvor is located above and the serial number below the screwpost.

This Order of the Red Star order is in superb condition with perfect enamels and crisp details. It comes with its well fitted and time period screwplate and its screw has not been shortened.


A great group with amazing research to a real hero!



Order of Alexander Nevsky #21122

“In combat against the German invaders on the night of 24.1.45 Comrade Tverdiy got the mission to take the village of Bruneri at all costs. Comrade Tverdiy accomplished the mission with honor. Moving stealthily across the flank of the settlement, he with his company threw themselves against the enemy and took their trenches. The fighting was fierce; the submachine gun men fought like tigers and killed the Nazis without mercy. The settlement was liberated. The enemy lost up to 20 killed, besides which we wiped out 3 stationary machine guns and 5 hand-carried machine guns.

Liberating the settlement of Bruneri made it possible for the infantry to move forward rapidly and take the populated areas of Pursati and Vedmi.”


Order of the Patriotic War 1st class #80622 (recommanded for the Order of the Red Banner)

“In the fighting to take the villages of [illegible]moshye and Staroe on 28.6.1944 he was at the head of his company going into the enemy’s trenches under heavy machine-Gun and submachine gun fire, risking his life, heedless of death and the urge to save his life. The trench fighting was hot and cruel. With submachine gun and grenades he personally killed dozens of German soldiers. Driving the enemy out of the trenches, he went into the center of the village, where he continued to rout the Nazis. The settlement was liberated with great loss to the enemy in men and equipment.

Recommended for the government award, Order of the Red Banner.”


Order of the Patriotic War 2nd class #496234 (recommanded for the Order of the Red Banner)

“The enemy was in a strong position at an elevation of 84.1 meters, which blocked the regiment’s further advance. A mutually-supporting fire system (up to 20 machine guns and two dug-in tanks) made it impossible to approach the height because it commanded open ground. Comrade Tverdiy was given the assignment to go around the height on the left flank through a swamp and hit the enemy in the rear. Comrade Tverdiy accomplished the mission with honor. With a rapid march through the swamp he crimped the enemy on that side of the position and continued to develop the advance under enemy fire, gaining the enemy’s trenches from the left flank by a strong assault while the reconnaissance company likewise jumped the trenches from the right flank.

The enemy did not expect such a furious onslaught and in panic began to scramble around the trenches. The submachinegun men fought like tigers and, despite being outnumbered by the enemy (by over 100 men) they quickly drove them out of the trenches and killed most of them. That is how the height was taken by the submachine gun troops.

In this action we captured the following trophy equipment: 16 machine Guns, over 40 rifles, over 500 grenades and 5,000 rounds of ammunition.”


Order of the Red Star #470638 

“Comrade Tverdiy participated in the fighting against the fascist German invaders on the Northwestern Front at the village of Ramyshevo, and on the Kalinin Front at Velikiye Luki and Novosokolniki. Twice wounded in the fighting at the village of Chernozem, Kalinin Region. In July 1943, participating in an attack at the village of Samsonka (Novosokolniki District), after the attack was repulsed by the enemy and the company commander was out of action, he took command of the company and repulsed the enemy counterattack.

In the Junior Lieutenant Course, Senior Sergeant Tverdiy, while acting as Deputy Commander of the Submachinegun Company, has shown himself to be an exacting and skilled commander. He is outstanding in training and a good example in discipline.”



The full translation of the research can be found below:

Record Card



More information of Lt. Tverdy can be found here


A digital image of Lt. Tverdy wearing all awards mentioned above can be found in the picture gallery


Further translation is possible since the translation of one of his Orders of the Patriotic War 2nd class has not been translated yet 



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