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Soviet Order of the Red Banner #107546



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Soviet Order of the Red Banner #107546


Awarded to Pilot and Lieutenant Ivan Nikitovich Nikitin (Иван Никитович Никитин)


For courage, bravery and high piloting skills while conducting numerous critical and special operations behind enemy lines supplying partisans



Made of solid silver and enamels. Measures 45.87 mm in height, 37.54 mm in width and it weighs 23.4 gram without its suspension. The serial number and mint mark are located at the 6 o’clock position of its reverse.


This original early suspension type Order of the Red Banner is in excellent, far above average condition with most gold plating still present. The details are crisp and even the higher laying wreath in the center shows little wear. The stunning enamels are without repairs and have minor contact marks only, barely visible with the naked eye. The connection ring has not cut and the double layer steel suspension is time period to the award.


This beautiful piece has it all; great research to a pilot and hard to upgrade!


Brief, concrete description of his feat of arms or achievements:

“Airship commander Lieutenant NIKITIN joined the Red Army ranks from the first days of the Patriotic war.

He is a pilot of the highest class. He can fly the heavy aircraft types during the both day and night hours and in any weather condition. He has excellently mastered the technique of flying by instruments, i.e. blind flying.

He has conducted numerous critical and special operations missions exhibiting example of courage, bravery, and high piloting skills.

During the Patriotic war, he flew 690 hours on heavy aircrafts, of which 193 hours were during night  missions.

He conducted 52 missions deep behind the enemy line, of which 3 missions were with landing. 119 missions were executed at the front line.

After being bestowed with a state award order “Red Star”, he executed another 39 missions behind the enemy line and 31 at the front line. Courage, devotion, persistence in combat – these are the pilot NIKITIN personal qualities.

During the combat missions, his aircraft was being attacked multiple times by the enemy fighters and from the ground. But excellent piloting skills and the decisive and courageous attitude allowed him to successfully complete combat missions without losses.

For exemplary execution of the combat missions and exhibited courage and piloting skills, I recommend him to be bestowed with order “RED BANNER”.”


The full translation can be found here


More info on Lt. Nikitin can be found here


Also included in the picture gallery is the combat report of the 2nd aviation regiment of 09 July 1943


Lieutenant Nikitin also received the Partisan Medal 1st class



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