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Soviet Order of the Patriotic War 2nd class #529206



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Soviet Order of the Patriotic War 2nd class #529206


Лысенко Василий Михайлович


Awarded to Major Vasilij Mihailovich Lysenko (Василий Михайлович Лысенко)


For providing consult in effective use of artillery and arranging uninterrupted delivery of artillery ammunition which enabled the divisional artillery always to inflict severe punishment upon the enemy



Made of solid silver, gold and enamels. The order weighs 27.3 gram without its screwplate and measures 43.97 mm in width and 46.03 mm in height.


In great condition with its details crisp and full gold plating of the lettering and sides of the red star still present. The red and white enamels are beautiful without dings, scratches or repairs. It comes with its original and well fitted screwplate and its screw has not been shortened.



Brief description of his feat of arms or achievements:

“Comrade LYSENKO has been working as the aide to the Chief of Staff of the artillery troops of 325 rifle “Dvinsk” division since 07 January 1945. In this capacity, he proved himself as an experienced, disciplined, and initiative headquarters officer. He spends a lot of effort improving his knowledge and skills.

During the fighting for liberation of the Samland peninsula he acted as a decisive and energetic artillery headquarters officer.

By following strictly the orders and directives issued by the artillery troops commander, he assisted in providing effective artillery fire support to the advancing rifle troops. He also participated in planning of the artillery offensives, setting up the signalling systems, and provision of the artillery ammunitions.

During the combat engagements, he efficiently provided information to the headquarters up the chain of command.

With the purpose of inspection and practical assistance, comrade LYSENKO many times ventured to the combat formations of the advancing artillery troops. There, he provided consult in effective use of artillery and arranged for uninterrupted delivery of artillery ammunition, which all assisted the success of the operations. As the result of this effort, the divisional artillery always inflicted severe punishment upon the enemy, suffering in return only minimal losses.

For skillful and efficient work, comrade LYSENKO deserves state award order “PATRIOTIC WAR II CLASS”.”



More info on Major Lysenko can be found here


Also included in the picture gallery are scans of 3 documents which show Lysenko’s signature and a picture of him



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