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Soviet Order of the Red Banner #267621



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Researched Soviet Order of the Red Banner #267621


Awarded to Corporal Zinovy Ivanovich Zelenkov (Зиновий Иванович Зеленков)


For heroic actions in East Prussia during spring 1945


This order of the Red Banner #267621 is in nice condition. The details are all present and it shows a nice even dark patina. On the reverse several dings and scratches are visible. The enamel on its obverse is problem free apart from the 9 o’clock ray of the center star. Its connection ring is uncut and the suspension is time period to the order.



Short Description of his feat of arms or achievements:

In the period of offensive battles conducted by the regiment on January 21-22, 1945, while taking the settlement of Shelniken – East Prussia (today: Янтарский, Russia), corporal Zelenkov was the first to rush into the enemy’s trenches with a machine gun, and doing so, killing thirty German soldiers and officers. Being wounded, he did not leave the battlefield, but continued to repulse enemy counterattacks, until he received a second, severe wound.

He is worthy of the governmental award,

order of the Red Banner

В период наступательных боев проводимых полком 21-22 января 1945 года при взятии населенного пункта ШЕЛЬНИКЕН – Восточная Пруссия, ефрейтор Зеленков первым с ручным пулеметом ворзался в транжею противника, уничтожил при этом тридцать немецких солдат и офицеров. Будучи раненым, он не покинул поле боя, а продолжал отбивать контратаки противника, до тех пор пока не получия зторое тяжелое ранение.

Достоин правительственной награды

орден Красного Знамени



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