Soviet Order of the Red Banner #52128



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Order of the Red Banner #52128


Макаров Иван Дмитриевич


Awarded to NKVD Captain Ivan Dmitrievich Makarov (Иван Дмитриевич Макаров)


For demonstrating bravery, decisiveness, and integrity during the Rossosh-Valuyki and Kharkov operations where he served as a counter-intelligence officer in the 12th Tank Corps. His key contributions included: Exposing Nazi agents, local collaborators, and actively disarming, guarding, and escorting POWs



Made of solid silver and enamels. It measures 40.83 mm in height, 37.04 mm in width and weighs 23.0 grams without its screwplate. The serial number and the mint mark Monetni Dvor are located at the 6 o’clock position of its reverse.


The order is in a nice, above average condition with medium overall wear to the silver. The enamels are in better condition than most early Red Banners and generally well preserved but show a small chip on the bottom and top banner and the 6 o’clock ray of the center star. The white enamel is flawless. The order has not been converted to a suspension type and the screwpost is full length. It comes with its time period and well fitted silver screwplate.


Brief and specific description of the personal feat or merits:

Comrade MAKAROV, as part of the 12 tank corps, participated in the combat engagements during 14 January – 15 March 1943, i.e. in the Rossosh- Valuyki and in the Kharkov operations. As a counter-intelligence officer of 12 tank corps, he proved himself as a brave, decisive, and honest commander. He conducted exceptionally extensive work for exposing Hitler’s agents, local leaders, and occupation period policemen among both the local population and the enlisted men. He took part most actively in disarmament, guarding and escorting of POWs. Following the request of the tank corps command, he organised blocking detachments and personally took part in them. Comrade MAKAROV’s whole systematic diligent effort provided the higher commanders in achieving their combat objectives.

Comrade MAKAROV many times performed his duties on the battlefield.

He deserves state award order “RED BANNER”.


The full translation of the citation can be read below

– register card

– citation


More information on Captain Makarov can be found here 



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