Soviet Order of the Red Banner 2nd award #27756



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Order of the Red Banner 2nd award #27756



Made of silver and enamels by the Leningrad mint. Measures 36.42 mm in width and 44.99 mm in height and weighs 25.5 grams without its suspension. The mint mark is located above the serial number and consists of two lines. The minimum known serial number for this range is 26923 and the maximum is 33774.


In excellent condition with all details crisp. Both the red and white enamels are extremely well preserved without repairs or flaking. The orders maintained most of its ordinal gold plating although much is covered by a layer of patina. Both sides show few contact marks only and its connection ring has not been cut. The double layer steel suspension is time period to the order.


The Order of the Red Banner recognized military deeds. Before the establishment of the Order of Lenin, the Order of the Red Banner functioned as the highest (and practically the only) military order of the USSR. Practically all well-known Soviet commanders became Cavaliers of the Order of the Red Banner. Also awarded to NKVD personnel.


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