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Soviet Order of the Patriotic War 2nd class #551660



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Order of the Patriotic War 2nd class #551660


Газалов Георгий Артемьевич


Awarded to Captain of the Medical Corps Georgij Artemievich Gazalov (Георгий Артемьевич Газалов)


For conducting 30 complicated and over 400 simpler surgical operations in the divisions combat operation near Riga city, saving lives of many hundreds of our servicemen from otherwise unavoidable death


Made of solid silver, gold and enamels. The order weighs 26.0 grams without its screwplate and measures 44.28 mm in width and 45.55 mm in height.


In great condition with its details crisp and much gold plating of the lettering still present. The red and white enamels are problem free without repairs and show some small dings only. It comes with its time period and and well fitted screwplate and its screw has not been shortened.


Brief description of his feat of arms or achievements:

“He has been the commander of 12 separate medical company since the first day of its formation in January 1942. During the Patriotic war, comrade GAZALOV has mastered the field surgery techniques and grew from a freshman surgeon into a fully professional and highly qualified surgeon, who is capable of performing operations on any part of a human body. Comrade GAZALOV has performed thousands of surgical operations. The evidence of his effort are filled with gratitude and love letters received from the patients whose lives were saved by GAZALOV. These letters draw a picture of the respect and authority he enjoys among the recovering patients as well as the rest of the division troops. Comrade GAZALOV is a good organiser and proactive leader, who was involved in all the aspects of the medical treatment. His attentive attitude towards the wounded and sick was an examples to the others and inspired his subordinates. This greatly assisted to the fastest possible recovery and return to the active duty of the wounded. GAZALOV’s high surgical qualifications and initiative were exhibited specially vividly in the divisions combat operation near Riga city. Comrade GAZALOV acted as a medical section commander assigned to the spearhead detachment. In these difficult, sometimes impossible, circumstances, he managed to organise surgical assistance thanks to his initiative and high qualification. In this short period, he conducted 30 complicated and over 400 simpler surgical operations, thus saving lives of many hundreds of our servicemen from otherwise unavoidable death.

During inactive combat periods, comrade GAZALOV participates actively in the cultural and artistic activities of the of the medical company club, which conducts artistic tours around the division camping sites. For his highly effective work, he deserves state award order “PATRIOTIC WAR II CLASS”.”


The full translation of the research can be read below:

– register card

– citation


More info on Captain Gazalov can be found here



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