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Soviet Order of the Patriotic War 1st class #61721



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Order of the Patriotic War 1st class #61721


Краснолуцкий Павел Андреевич


Awarded to Sr. Lieutenant Pavel Andreevich Krasnolutsky (Краснолуцкий Павел Андреевич) 


For personally destroying 8 trucks, up to 20 enemy troops, 1 aircraft on the ground, 2 field guns, and burning 1 depot during ground bomb attack missions in the Königsberg and Samland areas. With his regiment he conducted 1321 combat missions and engaged in 4 air battles, which resulted in 13 shot down enemy aircraft


Since this Order of the Patriotic War was Lt. Krasnolutsky’s only numbered award, it can be considered to be a complete grouping



Made of solid gold, silver and enamels. Measures 45.44 mm in height, 43.39 mm in width and weighs 27.5 grams without its screwplate. The serial number is located at the 6 o’clock position and the mint mark Monetni Dvor is located at the 12 o’clock position of its reverse.


In nice condition with crisp details. The red enamels are gorgeous and well preserved without chipping or repairs and some minor dings. The white enamels show some minor flaking above the B in ‘Отечественная’ but are otherwise fine and without repairs. Its reverse is in excellent condition with some light scratches and contact marks only. Its screwpate fits well and is time period to the order. Its screw has not been shortened.


Brief description of his feat of arms or achievements:

Sr. Lt. KRASNOLUTSKY arrived to serve in the active forces of 1 Baltic front since 27 January 1945. After the freshmen aviators received their combat introduction, he commenced combat missions against German invaders on 20 February 1945.

Participating in combat missions against enemy troops in Koenigsberg and Samland areas, comrade KRASNOLUTSKY has flown 39 successful combat missions (total flying time 43 hours) between 20 February and 28 April 1945. Of these: 35 bomber and ground assault aircraft escort missions, 4 ground bomb attack missions.

In the ground bomb attack missions, comrade KRASNOLUTSKY personally destroyed 8 trucks, up to 20 enemy troops, 1 aircraft on the ground, 2 field guns, and burned 1 depot.

During his service as the chief regiment navigator between 01 February to 28 April 1945, the regiment force conducted 1321 combat missions and engaged in 4 air battles (group and individual), which all resulted in 13 shot down enemy aircraft. The regiment pilots made 58 successful escort mission combined with bomb ground strikes, which resulted in 14 destroyed enemy aircraft, 204 vehicles, 810 enemy troops, 32 field guns, and 7 suppressed artillery batteries.

The regiment sustained no personnel nor materiel losses during the aforementioned period. He is a determined and organised officer. He is eager to fly combat missions and acts bravely. There hasn’t been any cases of failed navigation in the regiment.

For 39 personal successful combat missions, he deserves state award order “PATRIOTIC WAR I CLASS”.


The full translation of the citation can be read below:

– register card

– citation


More information on Lt. Krasnolutsky can be found here


Also included in the picture gallery are:

  • two scans of pictures of a Cobra of the 494th Fighter Aviation Regiment (FAR)
  • a scan of an aerial operation diagram of an escort mission of 3 groups of 9 Pe-2 aircrafts in Koenigsberg area by the 494th FAR on 21 February 1945. It shows Krasnolutsky’s plane
  • a scan of an image of Lt. Krasnolutsky



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