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Soviet Order of the Patriotic War 1st class #14177



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Soviet Order of the Patriotic War 1st class #14177


Борис Александрович Пастухов

Awarded to Major Boris Aleksandrovich Pastukhov (Борис Александрович Пастухов)


For fighting off several Me-109’s and successes in bombing the Finns with his Pe-2 plane



Made of solid gold and silver. The medal itself measure is 43.47 mm in width and 47.71 mm in height including the eyelet. It weighs 24.8 gram without its suspension. The suspension is 32.65 mm in width at its widest point, 25.55 mm in height at its highest point and 21.71 mm at its narrowest point. The serial number is located at the 7 o’clock position on its reverse. The suspension ring, screwplate and the suspension itself are all original to the order.

This order of the Patriotic War is in excellent condition. The details on its obverse are crisp although the reverse has been regularly polished by the awardee. The serial number however is perfectly visible and in the familiar style for this range. The enamels on 4 arms of the red star are problem free with minor superficial dings and scratches. The red and white enamels in the center surrounding the hammer and sickle are excellent. The enamel on the top ray of the red star has been replaced which is often seen with these early suspension type orders.


Please note that the enamel of the upper arm of the order was already lost but not yet repaired in the picture!


Great piece, especially with the picture of Pastukhov wearing the order!


Brief, concrete description of his feat of arms or achievements:

“During the Patriotic War he completed 18 successfully accomplished combat sorties in a Pe-2 aircraft, 6 of which were bombing missions and 6 were reconnaissance sorties. During combat missions he flies with great zeal. He leads his flight superbly during combat missions. He possesses great powers of endurance, he is capable of taking initiative, and he is a bold and decisive officer.

On May 29, 1943 he led his flight of 6 Pe-2 aircraft on two bombing raids on the command post of the 4th Finnish Division at Lake Sai. During these accurate bomb runs they scored 8 direct hits on their target. For his excellent mission accomplishment the commanding officer of the 7th Air Army expressed his gratitude.

On July 29, 1943 he led his flight on a bombing raid on the train station of the city of Medvezhegorsk. Despite low cloud cover and fog, the mission was accomplished properly; the railroad bed was demolished in three places. This has been confirmed by photographs.

On August 28, 1943 he was part of a formation of 6 aircraft conducting a bombing raid on a concentration of enemy vehicles in the city of Medvezhegorsk. As they approached their target, they were attacked by 6 enemy Morane fighters. Fighting off the fighter attacks and maneuvering inside a dense field of antiaircraft artillery fire, comrade Pastukhov confidently led his fight to its target. The mission was accomplished in an excellent manner. 8 direct hits on target were observed, which has been confirmed by photographs.

Between February 15 and February 27, 1944 he flew 10 combat sorties, photographing the enemy line of defense on the Kestenga axis. During this period the enemy’s entire front line on the Kestenga axis was photographed and valuable information for ground command was obtained.

On February 17, 1944, during a photographing mission, he was attacked by 2 Me-109 fighters. He fought off the enemy fighter attacks, properly completed his mission, and safely returned to his airfield.

On February 27, 1944 he flew 3 sorties, photographing the Kestenga area. Each time as he approached his target he was met by heavy antiaircraft artillery fire and attacked by 2 Me-109s. Maneuvering inside the field of antiaircraft fire and repelling the fighter attacks, he properly carried out his mission and returned with valuable information for ground command.

For the exemplary execution of combat missions at the front in the struggle with German fascism, he deserves the Order of the Patriotic War, 1st Class.”


The full translation of the research: Translation_Pastukhov


More info on Major Pastukhov can be found here


The award comes with additional research consisting of combat diaries and a battle map. These can be found in the picture gallery.


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