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Soviet Order of Glory 3rd class #530969



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Order of Glory 3rd Class #530969


Awarded to Master Sergeant Vasilij Andreevich Donin (Василий Андреевич Донин)


For actions related to breaking the Leningrad blockade in 1943


 In march 1942, he was sentenced for 7 years for some theft/mismanagement and he most likely ended up in a penal company, where he was wounded for the first time. Later on he was wounded for the second time in the battles for breaking the Leningrad blockade.



Made of silver and enamels. Measures 46.04 mm in width, 48.40 mm in height and weighs 22.7 grams without its suspension.


In excellent, well above average condition with all details details perfectly visible and crisp. Both sides show several but relatively few dings and scratches and an appealing medium patina. The red enamels are well preserved without chipping or repairs. Its connection ring has not been cut and the order comes with a time period ribbon and suspension.


Brief and specific description of the personal feat or merits:

28 February 1943, comrade DONIN Vasilij Andreevich sustained a sever wound in his leg participating in defence against an enemy counter-attack near the workers village №6 in the vicinity of the hydro-electric plant №8. He is a war invalid of the 2nd group and is unemployed.


The full translation of the resguater card can be read below:

– register card

– citation


Also included in the picture gallery are the documents of his tribunal and verdict. The translation of these documents can be read here


More information on Sgt Donin can be found here



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