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Soviet Medal of Ushakov #6799


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Medal of Ushakov #6799



Awarded to Senior Sailor Ivan Semyonovich Belanov (Иван Семенович Беланов)


For demonstrating bravery and courage while serving in the 4th Red Banner minesweeper motorboat squadron during 1944-1945. On January 6, 1945, after their minesweeper KT-834 hit a mine, Belanov, despite being injured, helped his comrades and swam to a rescue boat without a lifebuoy. He then assisted in rescuing others. Belanov participated in the operation to defeat the enemy in the Kurland pocket



Made of solid silver. Measures 35.94 mm in width, 48.65 mm in height including its eyelet and it weighs 31.2 grams without its suspension. Featuring admiral Ushakov surrounded by 84 ‘pearls’. The serial number, “6799”, is located on the reverse of the medal. The minimum known serial number is 9 and the maximum 15704.  


In excellent condition with light overall wear and crisp details on even the raised parts like Ushakov’s bust and wreath. Both sides show relatively few dings and scratches and a very nice even toning to the silver. The suspension chain appears to be a quality reproduction made of silver and its connection ring has been cut.




Brief, concrete description of his feat of arms:

During the period of his service in 4 Red Banner minesweeper motorboat squadron, comrade BELANOV proved himself as courageous and brave Red Navy sailor. He took part in all the combat operations during 1944-1945.

On 06 January 1945, minesweeper KT-834 struck a mine. Comrade BELANOV sustained a contusion, but kept assisting his comrades. He gave away a lifebuoy, but swam himself towards a rescue motorboat.

When Red Navy sailor BELANOV was lifted onboard, he joined the rescue crew and helped lifting other sailor out of the water.

Comrade BELANOV is a participant of the operation for defeat of the enemy Kurland pocket on the most important naval sector: Kolka – Vindava – Riga.

For selfless work, steadfastness and courage, exhibited in the struggle against the German-Fascist invaders, he deserves “USHAKOV” medal.


The full translation of the citation can be read here


short info on minesweeper 834:

On 06 January 1945, the minesweeper motorboat KT-834 was killed while minesweeping the mouth of the Western Dvina river (boat commander midshipman V.F. TISHCHENKO).
On January 6, 1945, boats of the 4 Red Banner minesweeper motorboat squadron began minesweeping of a minefield off the Svorbe peninsula. The first three captured mines exploded in the mine trawl. This means that the enemy has used new devices that cause mines to explode when they are caught by the trawl. But this NAzi trick did not come as a surprise to the Baltic sailor; they had already encountered it.
The last in the formation was the minesweeper boat “KT-834” under the command of midshipman V.F. TISHCHENKO. At the stern miner foreman of the 1st article carefully watched the trawl
A. D. GUTAREV. Suddenly the trawl tightened and there was a sound an explosion raising a mountain of water fountain. The roar of the explosion had not yet ceased when GUTAREV ordered: “Lift the trawl, replace the explosive cartridge.”
The trawl crew began to quickly lifting the trawl out of the water. The minesweeper boat, which had stopped moving, was carried by the current to another mine that surfaced nearby, and it exploded. The sailors on deck were scattered in different directions. Stunned by the blast wave, GUTAREV lost consciousness and came to his senses, finding himself in cold water. There was no one around, only the trawling buoy swayed nearby.
Many of the sailors were wounded and shell-shocked. Petty Officer 1st Article A.D. GUTAREV regained consciousness in the water and saw a lifebuoy nearby and climbed onto it. Not far away he noticed his boat commander, who was frantically moving in disarray. GUTAREV swam up to the midshipman and, seeing that he was badly shell-shocked and could barely hold on, lifted him onto the lifebuoy. He himself had to swim to the side, since the buoy could not hold two. But it became increasingly difficult to stay on the water: the wet uniform was pulling down. When the neighbouring boat approached, GUTAREV was no longer on the surface of the water. Only the midshipman TISHCHENKO was saved. Some other crew members also saved other men.


More information on Belanov can be found here


A digital image of a minesweeper motorboat of the same type can be viewed in the picture gallery



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