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Soviet Order of the Patriotic War 2nd class #817853



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Soviet Order of the Patriotic War 2nd class #817853




Awarded to T-70 and SU-122 tank commander Nikolai Grigoryevich Sidorenko (Николай Григорьевич Сидоренко)


For killing 20 Germans and skilfully and bravely manoeuvring along the enemy trenches while being wouned



Made of solid silver, gold and enamels. The order weighs 27.6 gram without its screwplate and measures 43.90 mm in width and 46.11 mm in height.


This original order of the Patriotic War 2nd class is in good condition with its details crisp. The enamels shows several small dings and scratches but no flaking or repairs. It comes with its original, time period screwplate and its screw has not been shortened.



Brief description of his feat of arms or achievements:

“During the breakthrough of the heavily fortified German defenses near Yuzelani on October 28, 1944, his platoon, which was operating on the left flank, enabled the advance of his infantry and ensured that the mission at hand could be accomplished. A second line of defense was captured, where he killed up to 20 Germans. Skilfully and bravely manoeuvring along the enemy trenches, he inspired the infantry and the other tanks to follow him.

While guiding the platoon assigned to him through a minefield, comrade Sidorenko was severely wounded. With his blood he proved his selfless dedication and his self-sacrificing attitude toward his motherland.

For the bravery and courage he displayed in combat with the German invaders and for his skilful command of his platoon in battle, he deserves the Order of the Patriotic War, 1st Class.”



The full translation of the research can be found here: Translation Sidorenko


More info on Lt. Sidorenko can be found here



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