Complete Documented group of an Order of the Patriotic War 2nd class #264474 and Red Star #1271531



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Complete Documented group of an Order of the Patriotic War and a Red Star


Григорий Сильвестрович Пащенко


Awarded to SMERSH Lieutenant Grigory Silvestrovich Pashchenko (Григорий Сильвестрович Пащенко)


For actively confronting enemy infiltrators within the Red Army’s ranks. In 1943, he expertly managed security operations, resulting in the apprehension of German spies and collaborators. During the heat of battle in 1944 he captured two German spies, and in the same year, he orchestrated the apprehension of a spy-radist



The group consists of the following items:


Order of the Patriotic War 2nd class #264474

Made of solid gold, silver and enamels. Measures 47.59 mm in height, 45.29 mm in width and weighs 26.5 grams without its screwplate.

In superb condition with crisp details. The red and white enamels are extremely well preserved without chipping or repairs and show one or two tiny contact marks only. Both sides show a nice medium patina and the screw of the order has not been shortened. The order comes with its time period and well fitted screwplate.


Order of the Red Star #1271531

Made of solid silver and enamels. Measures 47.63 mm in width, 46.22 in height and weighs 30.2 grams without its screwplate.

In equally great condition as the Order of the Patriotic War with flawless enamels and a very similar patina to the silver at its reverse. It too comes with its well fitted screwpalte and its screw has not been shortened.


Order Booklet with both awards mentioned

In excellent condition with all pages present and firmly attached to their cover. The booklet is numbered В 954959 which matches the number in the register card


Translation of the citation to the Order of the Patriotic War:

He valiantly confronted enemy infiltrators within the Red Army’s ranks, actively engaging in battles alongside the 17th Mountain Battalion in Goslavl, Krichev, and Chausy during the months of September and October. This distinguished individual is PASHCHENKO, an officer serving with the 1st Rifle Battalion of the 669th Regiment, characterized by discipline, courage, and resolute leadership. During 1943, he expertly managed the security service, resulting in the successful apprehension and exposure of several German spies and their collaborators.

In the heat of battle during March 1944 Comrade PASHCHENKO captured two German spies. Furthermore, during the initial month of 1944, near the town of Talk(?), PASHCHENKO orchestrated the apprehension of a spy-radist. Throughout his service in the battalion, he ensured an unblemished record, free from any incidents of insubordination, desertion, or self-serving actions of the troops. Through his diligent and unwavering efforts, Comrade PASHCHENKO  consistently contributed to the successful execution of combat missions within the serviced unit.


Translation of the citation to the Red Star:

During the preparation of the offensive operation, Pashchenko carried out significant operational work in organizing the supply of combat units with ammunition and supplies, fulfilling the combat mission during the military operations of the regiment and . In the right-fortified area near the town of Warka on January 16, he found himself in a critical situation, demonstrating exceptional operational work with the soldiers of his platoon [training soldiers of a penal company] to carry out a combat mission. Despite his lack of direct participation in combat, he managed to successfully complete the combat mission by commanding the breakthrough of a German defense near the town of Varka on January 14. He is recommended for the government award, the Order of the Red Star.


More information on Lt. Pashchenko can be found here


Further research can be requested for a small additional fee


Perfectly preserved orders, with their booklet and exciting research to a SMERSH officer… This grouping has it all!




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