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Soviet Order of the Red Banner #38628 with award booklet



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Screwback Order of the Red Banner #38628 with its Award Booklet



Awarded to Lieutenant Ivan Nikitovich Kudrya (Иван Никитович Кудря)


For eliminating 30 enemy troops, 5 tanks, and 3 heavy machine-guns at the very start of the war. Comes with very extensive research



This original order of the Red Banner is made of silver and enamels. It measures 40.73 mm in height, 35.96 mm in width and weighs 25.6 gram without its screwplate. The serial number and mint mark are located at the 6 o’clock position of its reverse.


In a nice, worn condition. The details are mostly present and the higher laying parts like the centre wreath show medium wear. The enamel shows chipping and is partially lost on the top banner and on the rays of the centre star. The white enamel is fully present and without damage or repairs. Its reverse is in great condition with few small dings and scratches only and shows an appealing medium dark, even patina. The screwpost is original and has not been shortened and the order has not been converted. The order comes with its time period silver screwplate.


The order comes with its award booklet mentioning the Red Banner next to three other awards. Its in decent condition with all pages present.


A scarce screwback with interesting and extensive research!



Brief, concrete description of his feat of arms or achievements:

“On 05 July 1942, comrade KUDRYA participated in repelling an enemy attack and took out of action 4 enemy tanks. After that, he and two other gun crew members managed to take the gun out to a new firing position. On 08 July 1942, during the engagements on the streets of Voronezh, comrade KUDRYA fired from an open sights position and eliminated up to 30 enemy troops, 1 tanks, and 3 heavy machine-guns. At present, he is an artillery battery commander and continues to punish the German Fascists.”


The full translation of the research can be found here 


More info on Lt. Kudrya can be found here


In the picture gallery some scans and images can be found of the following:

  • Crossing at Malyschewo near Voronezh
  • The combat diary of the 232 Rifle Division of July 1942
  • The 232 RD room of a school museum
  • Signature of Kudrya 
  • Map of the Voronezh defence operation
  • Woronesh-1942 Weltkrieg Karte


Below a link for the (Google translated) Russian webpage on the battle. 232RD – fresh Syberian division, which got weapons issued on 30 June 1942 (just 4+5 days before the battle). The first days, 232RD was practically the only unit trying to hold the whole line attempting to prevent Don crossing by Grossdeutchland and 24PzDiv divisions. The area in front of the crossing sites was in complete disarray from the retreating Soviet troops. KUDRYA was supporting 498RR and was stationed in the area after Malyschewo crossing site. It was captured by 24PzDiv on 04July. So on 05 July they tried to hold the Germans from expanding the bridgehead. They failed. Link




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