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Soviet Order of the Patriotic War 2nd class #535519 Duplicate



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Order of the Patriotic War 2nd class #535519 ‘Duplicate’


Awarded to Sr. Lieutenant Viktor Iosifovich Lozovoy (Виктор Иосифович Лозовой)


For exceptional service as aide to the military commandant of Leszno and Gleiwitz [where Germany provoked the war in 1939]. He exhibited outstanding abilities in combating resistance and maintaining order. He was instrumental in exposing and arresting Fascists and upheld strict military discipline


Lt. Lozovoy was stripped of his awards in 1950 which were reinstated in 1984. Ironically he was sentenced for the exact opposite of what he got his Order of the Patriotic War for as he was sentenced to 5 years of imprisonment in a correctional labor camp and was sent to a penal company for negligence towards his military duties



Made of solid silver, gold and enamels. The order weighs 28.6 grams without its screwplate and measures 43.78 mm in width and 45.18 mm in height.


In near mint condition with crisp details and all gilding present. Its red and white enamels are extremely well preserved without dings, scratches or repairs. Both sides show an appealing medium patina to the silver and the order comes with its time period and well fitted screwplate. Its screw has not been shortened.


Duplicate awards were given by the Soviet Government to a recipient, as a replacement piece, in exchange for the same order or medal of an earlier type or when awards were lost or taken due to exceptional circumstances. These pieces are particularly scarce.


A perfect example with an amazing background history. Scarce as such


Brief and specific description of the personal feat or merits:

Comrade LOZOVOY V.I. has been working in the role of aide to the military commandant of towns and district of Leszno and Gleiwitz. He exhibited extraordinary abilities in the matters of combating the forces resisting establishment of firm governmental order in the towns and the rural territories. He actively works for exposing and arresting Fascists. He is merciless towards those personnel breaching military discipline.

He is personally very disciplined, diligent, initiative, and demanding serviceman. He is an officer, who is educated in political and military matters. He deserves state award order “PATRIOTIC WAR II CLASS”.


The full translation to the research can be read below:

– register card

– citation


Lt. Lozovoy was sentenced to 5 years of imprisonment in a correctional labor camp and was sent to a penal company in March 1944:  

Born in 1914 in Chistik, Shevchenkovsky district, Kharkov region, Lt. Viktor Iosifovich Lozovoy, served as the outpost commander of the 124th Border Guards Regiment. He was sentenced for criminal negligence towards his military duties during his tenure from May 1943 to January 1944. His failures included a lack of discipline and proper military organization at the outpost, unauthorized delegation of duties, and absence from his post without permission. During his absence, on January 1, 1944, due to the lack of discipline, a sentry accidentally killed two other soldiers. As a result, Lozovoy was sentenced to five years in a correctional labor camp, demoted to private, and dispatched to active field forces. The sentence execution was delayed until the end of the war, with the possibility of sentence relief if he proved himself as a steadfast defender of the Motherland. The sentence was final and unappealable.

The full translation of the sentence can be read here


More info on Lt. Lozovoy can be found here


It is worth mentioning that Lt. Lozovoy received a Bravery Medal for his actions in 1942 at Stalingrad, where he led a mounted reconnaissance detachment. He fought near the grain elevator in Stalingrad and was wounded several times. The citation can be found in the picture gallery (last two scans).



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