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Soviet Order of the Patriotic War 2nd class #428141 Duplicate



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Soviet Order of the Patriotic War 2nd class #428141 Duplicate



Made of solid silver, gold and enamels. The order weighs 27.2 grams without its screwplate and measures 44.39 mm in width and 46.39 mm in height. The serial number is located at the 6 o’clock position of its reverse and has been engraved over an old serial number which has carefully been removed by the Soviet mint in a distinctive manner.


In superb condition with all details crisp and an appealing toning to the silver on both sides. The enamel is absolutely stunning without repairs and shows very few contact marks only. The order comes with its original, time period and well fitted screwplate and its screw has not been shortened.


Duplicate awards were given by the Soviet Government to a recipient, as a replacement piece, in exchange for the same order or medal of an earlier type or when awards were lost due to exceptional circumstances beyond their control like combat or natural disasters. These pieces are particularly scarce.


Hard to find ‘Duplicate’ award in sublime condition and with nice research potential



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