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Soviet Order of the Patriotic War 2nd class #206234



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Order of the Patriotic War 2nd class #206234


Мищенко Любовь Николаевна


Awarded to ‘Night Witch’ pilot Lyubov Nikolaevna Mishchenko (Мищенко Любовь Николаевна)


For 115 combat night sorties at the Crimea peninsula bombing several targets successfully under challenging meteorological conditions and while being fired upon by air defense artillery



Made of solid silver, gold and enamels. The order weighs 27.2 grams without its screwplate and measures 45.47 mm in width and 47.32 mm in height.


In decent condition with its details crisp and a medium patina to the silver on both sides. The red enamels have been repaired and the 12 and 9 o’clock rays by red lacquer. This appears to have been done a long time ago, possibly by the awardee herself. The other rays show some small dings and scratches and the white enemels are without repairs with some superficial flaking. The order comes with its original, time period screwplate and its screw has not been shortened.


Despite its flaws, a very rare piece awarded to one of the only 261 Night Witches!


Brief description of his feat of arms or achievements:

“Comrade Mishchenko has been in the regiment since October 1943. During this period, she mastered piloting skills in night conditions. During this period, she made 115 combat night sorties comprising 138 flight hours. Her total is 862 flight hours. To destroy the enemy troops, she has dumped 14,800 kg of bombs resulting in 12 powerful explosions and 8 conflagrations. Comrade Mishchenko accomplishes her combat missions in very challenging meteorological conditions. In the region of Eltigen, she flew at a height of 200-300 m. All her combat sorties were conducted on the Crimea peninsula. During the accomplishment of her combat missions, comrade Mishchenko repeatedly fell under enemy spotlights and air defense fire. Due to her capable maneuvering of high technique, she led her aircraft from the fire to an excellent accomplishment of her combat mission. For excellent mission accomplishment she has four commendations from the regimental command. She accomplishes wingman flights in a highly effective manner.

On the night of 3 March 1944, she bombed enemy forces near the village of Gryazevaya Puchina. Despite heavy defensive fire comrade Mishchenko conducted seven combat sorties resulting in the observation of 3 major explosions, the information is confirmed by Guards Lieutenant Syrtlanova’s flight crew.

On the night of 7 April 1944, she bombed a concentration of enemy motorized-mechanized units and personnel near the village of Kezy, Bul (?). Upon approach to the target, she was lit up by 5 enemy projectors and fired upon by air defense artillery. Capably maneuvering, comrade Mishchenko extracted her aircraft from the fire, diverted a little from the target, and still conducted the bombing resulting in an observed conflagration verified by Guards Captain Smirnova’s flight crew as a fuel vehicle being set on fire.

For exemplary accomplishment of the command’s missions on the frontal struggle with the German invaders, for accomplishing 115 combat sorties, comrade Mishchenko is worthy of the state award the “Order of the Patriotic War I Class”.”


The full translation of the research can be found below:

-Record card

-Award citation

-Service record card


Some information on the ‘Night Witches’ can be found here


More info on Mishchenko can be found here


Also included in the picture gallery is a scan of an image of Mishchenko wearing this Order of the Patriotic War 2nd class



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