Soviet Order of the Patriotic War 2nd class #163192



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Order of the Patriotic War 2nd class #163192


Булахов Виктор Константинович


Awarded to Major of medical corps Viktor Konstantinovich Bulakhov (Булахов Виктор Константинович)


For personally conducting over 40 operations and over 150 initial wound dressings and thus saving the lives of many



Krasnokamsky Mint (KMD) variation. Made of solid silver, gold and enamels. The order weighs 28.7 grams without its screwplate and measures 44.91 mm in width and 47.27 mm in height. Its serial number and curved mint mark in two lines can be found on the bottom of its reverse. The minimal known serial number of this variation is 135146 and the maximum number is 169988.


In excellent condition with its details crisp. The enamels are well preserved and without repairs and show some contact marks and a minuscule superficial chip on the very tip of the 3 o’clock ray of the red star only. Its reverse is in equally nice condition and shows a nice toning to the silver. The order comes with its time period silver screwplate and its screw has not been shortened.


Brief and specific description of the personal feat or merits:

Major of medical corps BULAKHOV Viktor Konstantinovich 1908
Head of the ward and the leading sergeant of the evacuation hospital №4843 of 50 Army.

Recommendation for order “PATRIOTIC WAR II CLASS”:
Leading sergeant of the hospital major of medical corps comrade BULAKHOV is a highly qualified sergeant. He is determined and initiative officer and a doctor of the hospital. Constantly striving to improve the medical treatment process in the hospital, comrade BULAKHOV achieved the results:
a) lowered mortality rate from gas gangrene down to 13% in one year;
b) lowered mortality rate from sepsis down to 30%;
c) mastered treatment methods and techniques of wounded in joints and chest;
d) the nurses mastered the technique of applying circular gips dressings;
e) significant improvement of theoretical knowledge and practical experience among the hospital personnel, especially your freshmen doctors;
f) all the hospital doctors learned to conduct simpler operations, and sometimes quite complicated operations, like professors Connor’s, Textor’s, and other methods;
Both during the periods of combat operations as well as during usual planned work, comrade BULAKHOV dedicates all his time to the cause of treatment of the wounded, working day and night without rest.
During the February-March combat period, comrade BULAKHOV personally conducted over 40 operations for wounds sustained in joints, stomach, and chest. He applied over 150 initial wound dressings and checked hundreds of wounded officers and enlisted men.
For his very independent and devoted medical work, comrade BULAKHOV deserves to be bestowed with order “PATRIOTIC WAR II CLASS”.


The full translation of the register card can be read here


More information on Major Bulakhov can be found here


Also in the picture gallery is an image of the memorial plaque of hospital 4843 in Moscow and a scan of a picture of Major Bulakhov



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