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Soviet Order of the Patriotic War 2nd class #127984



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Order of the Patriotic War 2nd class #127984


Awarded to Captain Ivan Tikhonovich Gutarov (Иван Тихонович Гутаров)


For fighting among the frontline units throughout the offensive operations inspiring Komsomol members to crush the enemy through his personal example of courage and steadfastness



Leningrad Mint (LMD) production made out of silver, gold and enamels. Measures 48.08 mm in height, 45.56 mm in width and weighs which is 21.8 grams without its screwplate. The serial number and mint mark are located at the bottom of its reverse. The minimum serial number for this range is 100354 and the maximum is 134917.


In great overall condition with crisp details and a medium patina to the silver on both sides. The red and white enamels are fully present without repairs and show some dings and scratches; not distracting of the overall appeal of the order. The hammer and sickle is placed off-center but this is not the result of repairs or damage but of sloppy work of the Leningrad Mint. Its reverse is in even better condition than its obverse with some screwplate marking only. The order comes with its time period and well fitted silver nut and its screw has not been shortened.


Brief, concrete description of his feat of arms or achievements:

During the operations to capture and hold the bridgehead across the Dniester, Captain Gutarov put an exceptionally great deal of successful effort into establishing and strengthening Komsomol organizations within the division. He achieved a fine rate of growth for the ranks of the Komsomol organizations and improved the young Komsomol members’ ideological and theoretical knowledge. He properly and skillfully organized work among the Komsomol stratum. As a result, the Komsomol organizations became true military assistants to the Party organizations in terms of providing political support for the execution of assignments ordered by unit command. Both when we were on the defensive and when we were conducting offensive operations to liberate Moldova, the Komsomol organizations played a leading role in carrying out combat orders.

Comrade Gutarov himself was stationed among the frontline units throughout the offensive operations, providing concrete assistance to the regiments’ and battalions’ Komsomol organizers. In the heat of battle comrade Gutarov could repeatedly be found at the most crucial and decisive sections, where he inspired the Komsomol members to crush the enemy through his personal example of courage and steadfastness.

Owing to his prompt efforts following the battles the Komsomol organization were preserved in all companies.

Comrade Gutarov deserves to be awarded the Order of the Patriotic War, 2nd Class.


The full translation of the register card can be read here


More information on Capt. Gutarov can be found here



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