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Soviet Order of Lenin #426684



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Soviet Order of Lenin #426684



Soviet Order of Lenin; made out of solid gold, platinum and enamels. Measures 45.42 mm in height and 38.46 mm in width. It weighs 33.2 gram without its suspension. The engraved serial number and raised mint mark are located at the center of its reverse.


The order is in excellent condition with flawless enamels. All details are crisp and even the higher parts of the order show virtually no wear. There have been no repairs and the connection ring has not been cut. The reverse is problem free and shows minor wear. Both sides of the order show an appealing dark patina on top.


A beautiful piece with great eye appeal.


The Order of Lenin (Russian: Орден Ленина), named after the leader of the Russian October Revolution, was established by the Central Executive Committee on April 6, 1930. The order was the highest civilian decoration in the Soviet Union. Awarded to:

  • Civilians for outstanding services rendered to the State
  • Members of the armed forces for exemplary service
  • Those who promoted friendship and cooperation between peoples and in strengthening peace
  • Those with meritorious services to the Soviet state and society



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