Soviet Order of Honor #1570123 with booklet and award box



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Order of Honor #1559824 


Riveted variation of the Order of the Badge of Honor (Order of Honor) with a hammer and sickle on the bottom of its obverse


Comes with booklet and award box


Awarded to Lyudmila Andreevna Cherkashina (Людмила Андреевна Черкашина)



Made of silver and enamels. It measures 33.17 mm in width, 51.27 mm in height and weighs 32.0 grams without its suspension. The serial number is engraved on the reverse by a rotating tool. The minimum know number is 1463830 and the maximum is 1576991. However, far less of these were produced since there is much overlapping with the common ‘Order of the Badge of Honor’.


The order is in pristine condition with crisp details and light wear on its higher laying parts. Its enamels are stunning without dings, chipping or scratches and all gold plating is present. It comes with its time period double layer suspension and uncut connection ring. Both sides show an appealing dark patina.


The accompanying order booklet is in equally pristine condition with all pages crisp and firmly attached to its cover.


Its scarce box is beautifully made of hard plastics and velvet (unlike the usual cardboard boxes) and it contains a special clip to hold the booklet.


This order conferred on citizens of the USSR for “outstanding achievements in production, scientific research and social and cultural activity”. 



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