Soviet Order of Glory 3rd class #477727



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Order of Glory 3rd Class #477727


Awarded to Jr. Sergeant Semyon Kirillovich Krilovetsky (Семен Кириллович Криловецкий)


For clearing a safe passage in the enemy barbed wire obstacle during the assault on the enemy defence line on the right bank of Dniester river near the village Talmaza on 20 August 1944. When he was wounded, he didn’t abandon the battlefield, but continued to fulfill his mission


This order was his only numbered award so technically it can be considered a complete grouping



Made of silver and enamels. Measures 45.86 mm in width, 48.02 mm in height including its eyelet and weighs 21.4 grams without its suspension. The serial number can be found on the top of its reverse.


In worn but decent condition with problem free enamels and an even dark patina on both sides. The raised parts like the tower and wreath show several scratches and strong wear but a fair amount of detail is still visible. Its connection ring has not been cut and the order comes with its time period suspension.


Short translation of the research:

In the assault on the enemy defence line on the right bank of Dniester river near the village Talmaza on 20 August 1944, comrade KRILOVETSKY Semyon Kiryllovich cleared a safe passage in the enemy barbed wire obstacle. When he was wounded, he didn’t abandon the battlefield, but continued to fulfill his mission.
He deserves to be bestowed with order “GLORY III CLASS”


The translation of the register card can be read here


More information on Sgt. Krilovetsky can be found here



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