Soviet Order of Glory 3rd class #326637



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Order of Glory 3rd class #326637



Made of solid silver and enamels. It measures 47.09 in width, 49.14 mm in height and it weighs 24.1 grams without its suspension.


With signs of use and strong wear to the raised parts like the Spasskaya tower. Despite its wear the enamels on both the ribbon and the star are all present without repairs and show some pitting only. Its connection ring has been cut and the order comes with a brass suspension and old ribbon.


Probably awarded early 1945 so with nice research potential


The Order of Glory, modelled closely upon the Tsarist Cross of St. George, was awarded to non-commissioned officers and soldiers of the armed forces, as well as junior lieutenants of the air force, for bravery in the face of the enemy. A person initially received the third degree, and would subsequently be promoted to higher degrees for further acts of bravery.



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