Order of Glory 2nd class #28730
Awarded Sergeant Ivan Andreevich Shkuropat (Иван Андреевич Шкуропат)
For clearing mines and obstacles under heavy enemy fire on April 24, 1945, after the enemy had heavily fortified a position in BERLIN, securing a passage for advancing infantry and artillery, and ensuring the success of the assault
Made of silver and enamels. Measures 45.74 mm in width, 48.18 mm in height and weighs 20.8 grams without its suspension. The serial number is located on top of its reverse.
In excellent, well above average condition with most gold plating present. The red enamels are pristine and without any chipping or flaking and show some dings and scratches only. The raised areas of its obverse show light wear and most details are still visible. The order comes with its time period double layer steel suspension and its connection ring has not been cut.
Brief, concrete description of his feat of arms or achievements:
On April 24, 1945, the enemy had fortified itself in a favorable position in Berlin, mining and barricading the passageways, thereby preventing the advance of our infantry and artillery.
Under heavy enemy fire, Sergeant Shkuropat displayed exceptional bravery by clearing the mines and obstacles, opening the passage. He then scouted the area and prepared a passage, ensuring the success of our troops in the subsequent assault.
For carrying out this dangerous task under enemy fire and clearing a passage for the advancing infantry and artillery, thereby facilitating the successful progress of our troops, he deserves the Order of Glory 2nd Class.
The full translation of the citation can be read here
More info on Sgt. Shkuropat can be found here
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