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Soviet Order for Personal Courage #001557



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Order for Personal Courage #001557


Awarded to Yury Aleksandrovich Barsukov (Юрий Александрович Барсуков)


Bestowed by the decree № 1204. Officer of the ministry of internal affairs.


Russian; born 1962 in Saraevskij district , Ryazan region; home address Ryazan region, town Ryazhsk



Made of silver and enamels. It measures 44.60 mm in width, 48.06 mm in height and weighs 32.9 grams without its suspension. The mint mark and serial number “001557” are located on its reverse.


In great condition with all details crisp and full gold plating. The silver base shows few traces of wear and the red and white enamels are beautiful without chipping, repair or scratches. Its suspension and ribbon are original as well and time period to the order and its connection ring has not been cut.


Only 529 Orders for Personal Courage were awarded. This order is therefore among the rarest of post WW2 Soviet awards.


A true rarity!




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