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Soviet Medal for Bravery #759823



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Soviet Medal for Bravery #759823


Awarded to Guards Sr. Sergeant Iosof Alekseevich Dobrishevsky (Иософ Алексеевич Добришевский)


For eliminating 6 enemy soldiers near Vitebsk (Belarus)



Made of solid silver. The medal for Bravery measures 37.53 mm in diameter and 42.25 mm in height (including the eyelet) and it weighs 27.2 gram without its suspension.


The medal is in a nice, about average condition for in this serial number range.  Its details are mostly present and both ides show a medium dark patina. All of the red lacquer filling the letters is gone and its connection ring has not been cut. The steel suspension and old ribbon are time period to the medal. Its stickpin is partly broken off but can be replaced on request without additional costs. 



Short translation of the research:
77 Guards rifle regiment, 26 Guards rifle “East-Siberian, Gorodok” division.
Decree №03/n on 31 January 1944
Medal “For Bravery”
The anti-tank rifle company commander Guards Sr. Sergeant DOBRISHEVSKY Iosof Alekseevich is awarded for the engagement near the village Utva (Vitebsk region) on the night to 08 January 1944, in which he repelled an enemy attack eliminating 6 enemy soldiers.
Born 1916, none party member, Russian, drafted to RKKA in 1943 by Vigonsk district military commissariat, Orel region.


Also in the picture gallery (last images) are scans of transfer documents, a hospital release and a battle map.



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