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Soviet Medal for Bravery #2437719 scarce ‘screw-in eyelet’ variation



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Soviet Medal for Bravery #2437719


Scarce variation with its eyelet screwed into the medal


Awarded to Guards Sergeant Valentin Vasilievich Gusev (Валентин Васильевич Гусьев)


For personally eliminating 4 enemy soldiers on the western bank of the Oder river and being wounded in the process



Made of solid silver and red lacquer. it measures 37.45 mm in diameter and 43.01 mm in height (including the eyelet) and weighs 27.6 gram without its suspension. Unlike most Bravery Medals, the eyelet of this medal has been screwed into the medal and not just soldered on top of it. The known ranges for this sub-variation are 1926271-1956637, 2407144-2539625 and 3010239-3212405. Please note that even though all screw-in variations fall in these ranges, most of the medals in these ranges have their eyelet attached the regular way. 


The medal is in a nice, above average condition with its details mostly visible. A fair amount of the original red lacquer is still present and its connection ring has not been cut. The double layer steel suspension is time period to the medal as is its ribbon.


Short excerpt of the research:

ГУСЬЕВ Валентин Васильевич 1923
GUSEV Valentin Vasilievich 1923
Guards Sergeant
Squad commander of the 2nd battalion, 34 Guards rifle regiment, 13 Guards rifle division, 1 Ukrainian front.

In RKKA since April 1944 in Odessa (after the Odessa occupation was lifted).
Wounded on 26.01.1945

26.01.1945, on the western bank of the Oder river, he and his squad repelled multiple enemy counter-attacks by a superior force. He personally eliminated 4 enemy soldiers. He was wounded in this engagement.

Signed by the commander of 34 Guards rifle regiment /MUDRYAK/
Signed by the Cheif of Staff of 34 Guards rifle regiment /POPOV/
20 March 1945


More information on Guards Sergeant Gusev can be found here


Also included in the picture gallery is a scan of a battle map of the 34th Guards Rifle Regiment, 13th Guards Rifle Division on 26 January 1945


We also includes some examples of similar variation medals which show how the eyelet was attached to this medal



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