Medal of Nakhimov ‘Voenkomat’
Made of brass. It measures 36.06 mm in width, 41.06 mm in height and weighs 20.8 gram without its suspension. Featuring admiral Nakhimov surrounded by 110 ‘pearls’.
In mint condition with virtually no traces of wear. All of the original luster is still present and its details are perfectly crisp. The medal comes with a time period aluminium suspension and ribbon.
Scarce medal
This medal is awarded by a Voenkomat (Military Commissariat) at the veteran’s place of residence. The reasons for the late issue could vary but in most instances, the Voenkomat medals were “catch-up” awards to those who had taken part in the battle and then somehow overlooked by the awarding authorities during WW2 and in the early post-war years.
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