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Documented Order of the Patriotic War 2nd class #369530



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Documented Order of the Patriotic War 2nd class #369530


Арутюн Понович Мартиросян


Awarded to ISU-152 Commander Harutyun Ponovich Martirosyan (Арутюн Понович Мартиросян)


For annihilating 2 anti-tank guns, 3 dugouts and up to a platoon of German soldiers and officers with his ISU-152 


Recommended for the Order of the Red Banner



Made of solid silver, gold and enamels. Measures 46.88 mm in height, 44.73 mm in width and weighs 28.1 grams without its screwplate.


In excellent condition with its details perfectly crisp and few dings and scratches to the gold and silver parts. The red enamels are well preserved without repairs and the white enamels show some minor superficial flaking and scratches only. Its screw has not been shortened and the order comes with its time period screwplate which fits well.


Its accompanying order booklet is in great condition with all pages present and firmly attached to its cover. It mentions this award only.


Also included in this listing are 18(!) other documents. Among which, letters, jubilee medal documents, drivers licence etc. Some of these documents contain original images of Lt. Martirosyan


Short translation of the citation: 

“In battles to break through the enemy’s defense in the area of Selenka on October 16, 1944 and enter further battles, he proved himself to be a courageous, persistent and brave commander of ISU-152. Developing an offensive with fire and tracks during the battles, he annihilated 2 anti-tank guns, 3 dugouts, and up to a platoon of German soldiers and officers. For his bravery, resilience and courage in breaking through the enemy defenses and inflicting major losses in manpower and equipment, he is worthy of governmental award of the order of the Red Banner.”


More information on Guards Lt. Martirosyan can be found here


As this Order of the Patriotic War is Lt. Martirosyan’s only numbered award, it can technically be considered a complete group. Replacements for the missing jubilee medals can be arranged for an additional fee



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