
Documented Order of the Badge of Honor #259102



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Documented Order of the Badge of Honor #259102


Awarded to Vasily Vasilyevich Borovichenko (Василий Васильевич Боровиченко)



Made of silver and enamels. Measures 49.51 mm in height, 32.35 mm in width and it weighs 33.7 grams without its suspension.


This order is in superb condition with stunning enamels and perfect details. Even the raised parts such as the faces of the man and woman are well defined. There have been no repairs and the double layer steel suspension and ribbon are time period to the order. Its connection ring has not been cut.


The order comes with its booklet which is in equally nice condition and mentions this award only.


This order conferred on citizens of the USSR for “outstanding achievements in production, scientific research and social and cultural activity”. 



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