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Documented group of an Order of the Patriotic War 2nd class #809051, Red Star #160762 and more



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Soviet Documented group of an Order of the Patriotic War and a Red Star + more


Ростислав Вячеславович Носов


Awarded to ‘commando and explosive specialist’ Sergeant Rostislav Vyacheslavovich Nosov (Ростислав Вячеславович Носов)


For sneaking into the enemy rear eliminating 20 Romanian troops, capturing 2 German rifles, demolishing a bridge, gathering intelligence on the enemy defences and laying minefields   



This group consists of the following items:


Order of the Red Star #160762

Made of solid silver and enamels. Measures 48.75 mm in width, 46.83 in height and weighs 27.7 grams.

The order is in worn condition with medium wear and several dings and scratches to the silver. The order sustained substantial enamel damage on the 5 and 9 o’clock which appears to have happened in combat judging by the patina and dings and scratches on the silver where the enamels use to be. The screwpost of the order has not been shortened and it comes with its time period silver screwplate.


Order of the Patriotic War 2nd class #809051

Made of solid gold, silver and enamels. Measures 45.80 mm in height, 43.57 mm in width and weighs 26.4 grams.

In nice condition with its details perfectly visible although its obverse shows several dings and scratches. This order too shows enamel damage on the 9 o’clock ray and also appear to have been caused by combat actions. The screw of the order has not been shortened and the order comes with its time period screwplate which for some reason apperas to have two holes drilled into it.


Order of the Patriotic War 2nd class #3747522 with its matching document

Made of solid silver and enamels. Measures 46.28 mm in height (incl. the eyelet), 44.24 mm in width and weighs 27.0 grams.

This order is in excellent condition with problem free enamels. All details are crisp and it comes with its time period screwplate. The document mentions the matching serial number.


7 Jubilee medals with their documents 

All in average or better condition


Order Booklet 

In decent condition with all pages present and firmly attached. It mentions the Order of the Patriotic War 2nd class, the Red Star and Jubilee Medal for 50 Years of the Armed Forces of the USSR. It is quite unusual to have a jubilee medal listed here.


Several other documents including one with his original picture

All in vintage condition



Research to the Order of the Red Star:

“Executing the mission assigned by the Commander of the engineering troops of 37 Army, he laid a mine fields north of the settlement Zaragizh on 27 October 1942.

Leading the squad by personal example, he inspired the other mine layers and the mission was accomplished successfully in full secrecy. As the result, three enemy trucks loaded with troops and ammunition was blown up and the enemy force was stopped and delayed in their advance.

While participating in the execution of the special mission for demolition of a bridge over the river Uruk in the vicinity of the settlement Khaznidon on 01 November 1942, together with a group of submachine gunners from the 1157 rifle regiment he sneaked into the enemy rear area and eliminated 20 Romanian troops, captured and returned back 2 German rifles.

For excellent execution of the combat missions and exhibited courage and bravery, he deserves state award – order “RED STAR””.

Full translation here


Research to the Order of the Patriotic War 2nd class:

“Comrade NOSOV has been serving on the fronts of the Patriotic war since 22 June 1941. During the combat operations against the German Fascism, he proved himself as one the brave and decisive commanders.

During the combat engagements on the right bank of Dieper river, NOSOV commanded his reconnaissance squad and continuously conducted engineering reconnaissance. Despite the enemy fire, he always determinately led his men to the designated sectors. As the result, he always came back with invaluable intelligence on the enemy defences.

On 01 November 1943, when the enemy armour broke through our formations near the village KALACHEVSKAYA, comrade NOSOV laid 300 mines working 2 hours under enemy fire. This effort prevented the enemy armour break through.

For excellent execution of the combat engineering reconnaissance missions and for laying minefields, for exhibited courage and bravery, comrade NOSOV deserves state award order “PATRIOTIC WAR II CLASS”.”

Full translation here



More information on Sgt. Nosov can be found here


Also included in the picture gallery is the combat diary of the 37th Army on 01 November 1942 and two battle maps of 1 November 1942 showing the towns Zaragizh and Kalachevskoe mentioned in the citation.



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