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Complete group of Soviet Railway Badges and Labor Medal with many documents



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Documented group of Soviet Railway Badges and Medal for Distinguished Labor


Awarded to Ivan Andreevich Trush (Иван Андреевич Труш) 



This group consists of the following items:


  • Medal for Distinguished Labor with document

Made of silver and enamels. Measures 32.07 in width and 36.98 mm in height. It weighs 16.4 gram without its suspension. Excellent condition with problem free enamels and uncut connection ring. It comes with its document which is dated ‘1954’.


  • Shock Worker of Stalin Labor Campaign Badge with document

Measures 34.51 mm in width at its widest point, 31.60 mm in height and weighs 10.2 without its screwplate. The badge is in near mint condition with all details visible and flawless enamel. It comes with its time period screwplate and its screw has not been shortened. It comes with its document which is dated ‘1953’.


  • Excellent Railroad Builder badge with document

Measures 36.91 mm in width at its widest point, 38.66 mm in height and weighs 11.6 without its screwplate. The badge is in excellent condition with all details crisp and flawless enamel. It comes with its time period screwplate and its screw has not been shortened. It comes with its document which is dated ‘1951’.


  • Shockworker of Communist Labor Badge with document

Measures 20.42 mm in width, 31.26 mm in height and weighs 2.7. It comes with its document which is dated ‘1974’.

  • A letter from the head of the Lviv Polggotdel railway congratulating Trush with his excellent work on the railway for which he was awarded the Medal for Distinguished Labor 



Beautiful affordable and very complete group. Great to display!



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