
Soviet Order of the Red Star #725787



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Order of the Red Star #725787


Илья Владимирович Бородаченко


Awarded to Lt. Ilya Vladimirovich Borodachenko (Илья Владимирович Бородаченко) 


For demonstrating courage and dedication in restoring Po-2 aircraft damaged by enemy fire. On the First Ukrainian Front, he excelled in the preservation and field repair of Po-2 aircraft and ensured the successful completion of 19 combat and 25 special missions without accidents



Made of silver and enamels. Measures 49.86 mm in width, 48.40 mm in height and weighs 29.0 grams without its screwplate. The mint mark is located above, and the serial number underneath the screw post.


This order is in excellent, well above average condition with most details visible and crisp. The enamels are well preserved without repairs and show some small contact marks only. Both sides show a medium patina to the silver and its screw has not been shortened. The order comes with its time period and well fitted screwplate.


A brief, specific statement of personal combat feat or merit:

Serves in the 595th Separate Army Aviation Liaison Squadron since March 1944. For courage and courage, as well as selfless work to restore Po-2 aircraft damaged by enemy fire, comrade Borodachenko was awarded the Order of the Red Star.
Being on the First Ukrainian Front, Comrade. Borodachenko showed excellent qualities for the preservation and field repair of Po-2 aircraft. In a short period of time, Comrade Borodachenko’s plane made 19 combat and 25 special missions to carry out command missions without accidents.


The full translation can be read here


More info on Lt. Borodachenko can be found here



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