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Soviet Order of Friendship of Peoples #11492



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Order of Friendship of Peoples #11492



Made of solid silver and enamels. It measures 50.98 mm in height, 47.14 mm in width and weighs 42.0 grams without its suspension. The serial number and the curved mint mark Monetni Dvor are located at the center of the reverse.


In excellent condition with problem free enamels and crisp details. The higher laying parts show few traces of wear and both sides show a medium patina to the silver. Much of the original gold plating is still present and its connection ring has not been cut. The order comes with its time period double layer suspension and old ribbon.


Awarded to persons, organisations, enterprises, military units, as well as administrative subdivisions of the USSR for “accomplishments in strengthening of inter-race and international friendship and cooperation, for economical, political, scientific, military and cultural development of the Soviet Union”.



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