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Soviet Order of the Patriotic War 2nd class #569265



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Order of the Patriotic War 2nd class #569265


Awarded to Sergeant Semyon Petrovich Vasiliev (Семен Петрович Васильев)


For destroying a Panther tank, 7 machine guns, 2 vehicles and up to 70 enemy soldiers and officers in Estonia. Comrade Vasiliev destroyed 8 enemy tanks in total during the Patriotic War


Sgt. Vasiliev was declared MIA in March 1945



Made of solid silver, gold and enamels. The order weighs 27.0 grams without its screwplate and measures 44.34 mm in width and 46.35 mm in height.


In great condition with its details crisp. The red and white enamels are problem free without repairs and show some small contact marks only; not visible with the naked eye.The order comes with its time period and well fitted screwplate and its screw has not been shortened.


Short translation of the citation:

On February 8, 1945, in the Althof area, Comrade Vasilyev, the first with his crew, broke into a settlement and, under heavy artillery fire from the enemy occupied house by house, thus enabling the promotion of our infantry. In the battle of 02/11/1945 in the area of the manor’s yard Pilzen, the enemy was retreating to counterattacks with the support of tanks. Gunner Vasilev repeatedly met with the enemy’s tanks and this time he boldly, quickly, decisively and confidently aimed the weapon at the target and from the first shot knocked out a “Panther” tank; in this battle he destroyed: 4 machine guns, 3 light machine guns, 2 vehicles and up to 70 enemy soldiers and officers. Comrade Vasiliev has on his account destroyed: 8 enemy tanks during the period of the Patriotic War.


Some information on Sgt. Vasiliev can be found here


Also included are his MIA rapport and scans of the citation for his Order of the Patriotic War 1st class (last two pictures in the gallery)


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