Red Star #2264877, SU-76 Commander, 498th Separate Self-Propelled Artillery Division. This soldier went from and enlisted solider through to become a Battery Commander Lt. Col. 1. Last name : Getman 2. Name and patronymic: Petr Afanaseevich 3. Rank: Lt Colonel 4. Sex: Male 5. Birth year: 18.07.1923 6. Birth place: Mayle Izby Village, Plesetskii Region, Arkhangelsk Oblast 7. Party membership: 8. Education: 26.04.1942 -29.06.1956 9. Nationality: Russian. 10. Joined red army: 26.04.1942 11. Place of service and duty position at time of awarding: 38th Guards Tank Regt, 14th Tank Brigade, 4th Mechanized Corps. 12. Place of service at current time: 13. Home address: 14. Awards: Order of the Red Star 20.08.1945 2.264.877. Bravery Medal 3.352.038 27.10.1943. Medal For Military Merit N / A 13.06.1952. Medal “For Victory over Germany” 09.05.1945. Medal “For Victory over Japan” 30.09.45. Medal “For 30 years Soviet army and navy” 22.02.1948. ORDER of the 38th Guard Tank Regiment 27 October 1943. On behalf of the Presidium of the Supreme Council of the USSR, for diligent execution of the military Assignments during the fight against the German invaders and for demonstrating bravery and courage in the process - AWARD: Medal "FOR BRAVERY" Award sheet 1. Last name, name and patronymic : Getman, Petr Afanaseevich 2. Rank : Senior Sergeant 3. Duty position and Unit: 38th Guards Tank Regt, 14th Tank Brigade, 4th Mechanized Corps. 4. Birth year: 1923 5. Nationality: Russian. 6. Party membership: member of the Leninist Communist Youth League since 1941. 7. In combat: On the Volkhovsky Front from June 1942 to March 1943 8. Wounds of Contusions: None 9. In Red Army: 1942 10. Inducted by: Plesetzky District Military Commission (DMC) of the Arlhagelsk Region. 11. Earlier Awards: None 12. Permanent address: Arkhangelsk Region, Plesetzky District, Village of Malye Izby. Short, concise description of combat feat of service: During the battles on 10/17/43 near the village of Bezymianny, at the field base, in his capacity as a tank radiooperator for the commander of the 1st Platoon, he provided a constant, uninterrupted connection with the company commander, thus ensuring that the battle orders were carried out in full. He demolished up to 20 Hitlerites soldiers with his machine gun AWARD: ORDER OF RED STAR Award sheet 1. Last name, name and patronymic : Getman, Petr Afanaseevich 2. Rank : Guard Junior Lieutenant 3. Duty position and Unit: Commander of SU 76 (Light Self-Propelled Cannon) of the 498th Separate Self-Propelled Artillery Division. 4. Birth year: 1923 5. Nationality: Russian 6. Party membership: member of the Leninist Communist Youth League 7. In combat: On the Volkhovsky Front from June 1942 to March 1943, the 3rd Ukrainian Front from September 1943 to December 1943, 4th Ukrainian Front December 1943-February 1944. 8. Wounds of Contusions: None 9. In Red Army: April 1942 10. Inducted by: Plesetzky DMC 11. Earlier Awards: Medal "For bravery" 12. Permanent address: Arkhangelsk Region, Letneozersky Train Line, 991st km, village of M. Izby. Family address: same. Short, specific description of the personal battle feat or achievement: While driving the commander tank during the traverse of a state boundary in difficult conditions through a heavily wooded, swampy area, in the course of battle, Guard Junior Lieutenant Getman P. A. completed the movements without a single accident or breakdown. In the attack against a ambushgroup, when the division was placed in the spot of a railroad side-track ambush, Junior Lieutenant Getman quickly organized the crew members for a circle defense and on 08/21/45 demolished the enemy forces with steady fire. He marched in difficult conditions, leading his tank under a heavy fire. He cleared a path for himself free of landmines without hampering the advancement of the formation which was moving under a heavy fire attack. He carried his battle task diligently and in a timely manner and arrived at the designated place at the predetermined time. Along the way, he conducted reconnaissance and demonstrated courage, bravery, and resourcefulness. He merits the government award with the Order "Red Star". Commander of the 498th Separate Self-Propelled Artillery Division Guard Major Radinsky 23/08/45